Pandemic Interrupted
Posted on October 10, 2020 by Sharon Davis Brown, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
The COVID-19 virus is one of the greatest interrupters of our lives. Embodied leadership coaching can help you develop tools to navigate uncertainty.
How Have Your Life Routines Changed?
Do you remember when your usual routine consisted of grabbing a coffee at Starbucks at the drive-through window, sauntering into the office, talking to your peers along the way to wish them a good morning, and having a productive day? Meetings were conducted in-person and in close proximity to one another. Lunch was eaten at the local restaurant with colleagues, and random hallway talk was considered the norm, if not the expectation. Fast forward and consider how your routine has changed since March 2020 when many states began to shut down.
Coffee is only offered at the drive-through window, we are asked to remain at least 6 feet from one another to remain vigilant to keep our distance. Remote work has become the new normal which can lead to isolation from your peers and colleagues, no more office bantering, or cheering from peers for a job well done. Meetings are taken as video calls or on the phone. Lunch is eaten in the privacy of your home office or delivered if you have not mastered the art of cooking. Social distancing is the new normal to keep us safe from a virus that we cannot see. Travel plans are on hold, as are monumental life milestones like birthdays, holidays, weddings, graduations, and even funerals.
It is a time to self-reflect, to consider how this pandemic has affected the way that you interact with people, either in isolation, at work, or at home.
How Can Embodied Leadership Coaching Help?
Thinking about the enduring effect of this pandemic may feel overwhelming. Working with a coach at this time will help you to re-evaluate your values and determine your goals as you adjust to your new circumstances. The stress caused by the pandemic, and the social changes it has wrought, can be resolved through targeted somatic interventions. The symptoms of stress may include:
Chronic headaches
Chronic pain
Stomach upset
Sleep disruptions (both too much and too little)
Limited ability to concentrate
Embodied leadership coaching works by using action-based interventions rather than just talking about issues. Some tools we provide to navigate the COVID crises may include:
Relaxation techniques to reduce stress
Cognitive-behavioral exercises to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression
Breathing techniques to reduce sleep disturbances and stomach upset
These tools can be used to help executives and small business owners navigate and address the stress of financial uncertainty, employee concerns, and the changing business environment. Embodied leadership tools may also be useful for employees facing similar challenges either individually or as a group.
Art of Business Coaching can support you through the pandemic by connecting you with a coach. An external support structure (such as a coach) can be incredibly helpful in circumstances where many traditional support structures have been removed or weakened. Your coach will assist you in obtaining applicable skills to sustain your existing personal and professional relationships. An effective coach can help you to take advantage of the current environment and prepare you for the post-pandemic recovery.