The Power of True Passion
Posted on October 07, 2020 by Rhonda Daley, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Are you truly passionate about your dreams? Do challenging situations tend to thwart your efforts to succeed?
The Power of True Passion
Passion is the most powerful emotion we possess to achieving success in life and personal goals. People who can tap into their true passion are excited to be alive and have discovered their true potential. They exude great power and energy to make positive things happen.
Ironically, a person with passion can also be passionate about something they dislike or disagree with within their lives. We see this in action every day while witnessing the heated banter on the current political landscape. Passion encompasses an energy force within us all such as; joy, love, desire, and yes, even anger and hatred. But, for the moment we will focus on the positive attributes of passion and the power it emanates.
You are probably now wondering why some people venture into brilliant ideas, going at it full throttle, only to fail soon afterward. They are passionate…are they not? Well, yes and no. They did not fail at maintaining passion; they simply forgot to get back on the horse. In other words, they believed they could not overcome the obstacles that caused them to fail.
There are many reasons why this happens. One possible culprit is they do not have what is called “true passion” the kind that is strong enough to keep them motivated when obstacles interfere early on in the process. Challenging situations easily throw them off track with little effort. Another problem is that true passion requires a strong belief system. It doesn’t matter what system you believe in, but it must drive you to believe you cannot fail at whatever you strive to achieve. You own the right to succeed.
So, there are two types of passion, True and Passive. It can be difficult to distinguish between the two types because both exhibit similar qualities. Both people hit the ground running. They tell everyone in the world about what they plan to do and how successful it will be.
With “passive” individuals, efforts are short-lived. We see these types all the time; spirited, energetic, and excited about an idea as long as things move along smoothly. Also, a passive person may have come across their ideas or goals from external sources like; the media or infomercials, friends, well-meaning family members, co-workers, but not from within themselves.
Not from their own making.
True passion comes from someplace deep within our souls. No matter what obstacles you run into, nothing will deter you. If it takes months, years, a lifetime, it will always be there until you unleash its influence. True passion is powerful. It is the kind of passion that builds empires, creates industries and new technologies, moves mountains, and part seas. The good news is that we all have the DNA to achieve greatness. We simply need to practice and learn what it takes to tap into this gift.
Ask yourself what barriers are keeping you from achieving your life goals? If you can name more than one, you must ask yourself if you are willing to fight to overcome these barriers." This will give you an idea as to whether or not you are passionate enough to carry out your ideas or meet your lifelong goals.
In other words, if you view barriers as a part of the process, then nothing other than death will keep you from your goals. You are truly passionate and well on your way. You hold the power to make things happen. Try these simple tools to help you maintain your passion.
• Keep a list or journal of every possible barrier to reaching your goal. Start by giving each of your barriers a name. Be as specific as possible. You can also do this on a poster board and use magazine clippings to illustrate icons. Note: Barriers can have sub-barriers, but the idea is to put it all down in a concrete form.
• Write down possible solutions to each barrier. Even if it is general, put something down until you have an answer to each one. You can add to this later as new issues or challenges arise.
• Get ideas from friends or a coach on your solutions to see if they are clear and valid. You may find they have other solutions you can add.
As these barriers play out along your journey, you will begin to recognize the solution before it becomes a challenge. You now have an idea as to how you can overcome the situation. Have fun with this…it will keep the passion going and it’s contagious!
This article is an excerpt from her forthcoming book, “Happiness Rules” by Rhonda Daley, Nspireology Coach. Copywrite 2020.