A unified mind and spirit can pierce even stone.
Posted on October 07, 2020 by Alexander-James Guillermo, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
An old legend about "purposefulness" and how it can create miracles.
A man’s lover was killed by a tiger in the forest. Grieved, the man went into the forest to look for the tiger. At last, the man found it, lying in the long grass. “Alright, this is definitely the tiger”, the man thought. Knocking arrow to string, the man carefully drew his bow, aimed, and released. The arrow flew straight and true, lodging itself deep inside its target.
As the man slowly moved forward to confirm his kill, he realized that the “tiger” was only a large striped stone.
As word of this spread, the man became well known for possessing incredible strength. However, when the man was asked to perform this miraculous feat again, the arrows only bounced off of the rock, one after the other. The man was only able to pierce the striped stone because he thought it was the tiger that took the life of his lover.
This lead to the saying, “Isshin iwa wo mo tousu”. “Isshin” refers to a unified heart and mind. “A unified heart and mind can pierce through even stone”. It is only through this unified state of “purposefulness” that one can accomplish the impossible.