What If?
Posted on September 13, 2020 by Tracy Baranauskas, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
It's amazing how one refram can inspire you into action!
“What if it doesn’t work out?”
That’s what my client, Rachel, asked while discussing a business idea she had been contemplating for the past few months.
“And what if it’s wildly successful?” I offered her back.
In the book, “She Means Business”, the author, Carrie Green, says the words “what” and “if” put together are the most common reasons why most people don’t move forward with their ideas.
Green says that when people ask themselves questions like, “What if no one likes it?” or “What if I fail?”, self-doubt creeps in and holds them back.
Of course, it’s easy to see how thoughts like this could cause a person to overthink an idea and procrastinate.
In another example, a client of mine recently told me she was having trouble feeling inspired to complete her coaching assignment for the week.
When we explored further, it was the thought, “What if it’s not possible?” that was getting in her way. It then made sense why she wasn’t feeling motivated to put forth the effort, considering she wasn’t even sure achieving her goal was possible.
I should add that the outcome this client was doubting is absolutely possible. As a matter of fact, it’s something lots of people in the world are doing right now. It’s amazing how our primal brains will make up all sorts of unlikely scenarios to keep us “safely” spinning in place.
So, I’m wondering, do you have an innovative idea that you haven’t acted on?
Is there a dream that has been in your heart for a while now, but you’ve been using the “what if” question in a way that has kept you feeling stuck?
If so, I’d like to offer these options to help you gain some traction.
What if it was easy?
What if this is just the right time to act?
What if it all unfolds perfectly?
What if it turns out better than you can imagine?
And of course: What if you’re wildly successful?
It sounds simple, but it’s amazing how one reframe can inspire you into action. That’s what mindset work is all about. Creating the thoughts that get you moving towards your goals and manifesting your dreams.
So, give it a try!
And, just for fun, ask yourself, “What if there is nothing serious going on here?” Because, there’s not.
So, take a step and do the thing already!