The power of setting intentions to boost your productivity and life!
Posted on September 10, 2020 by Kylie Chebahtah, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
If you want to start living ON PURPOSE and see some great results in your life, try this simple daily technique!
Living intentionally is a skill that takes practice. The daily art of setting an intention can cause dramatic shifts in perception and it can improve the quality of your day and increase your outcomes. It can boost your productivity and your life! This small act helps keep you focused and connected to Source (pure love, God, the Universe, Mother Earth, etc) and keeps you on purpose.
I have been setting an intention daily for quite some time now (as inspired by The Book of Joy and A Fearless Heart) and it has made all the difference – I can’t imagine a day without one!
If you’re interested in seeing the effects this small daily practice can have on your spiritual and everyday life, give this a shot!
Setting intentions
Every day upon waking, before you leave the bed (or in the shower, or while making your coffee, etc.) ponder these questions:
-What do I wish to see happen in the course of the day?
-What is my deepest driving desire?
-What force do I wish propel into the universe?
-How do I want to feel?
-What do I wish to see happen for the benefit of all humanity?
Sit for a few moments and see what comes up. (i.e. Today, may I not judge others; May I be filled with joy and compassion and spread that to everyone I come in contact with; May I have patience with my family members; May I make it through my daily activities with ease and grace, etc)
Let this answer drive all the actions you take for that day. Remember it when ever you take any action or think troublesome thoughts. In this way, the results of your day will reflect your passions and intentions that came through from your heart. Watch the beauty unfold as you become a co-creator in the Universe. Watch your productivity increase and your life become easy and flowing.
Keep intending,
Kylie Chebahtah, BSN, RN, HWNC-BC