One-Third of Our Life?
Posted on July 20, 2020 by Chet Spence, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Most of us spend one-third of our days working. But is it worth it?
As employees we were spending 8 hours each day “working.” If you think about it, 8 hours a day out of 24 is one-third of our day. Add to that drive time, overtime, special meetings, etc. almost half of our days are devoted to “work”!So ask yourself, are you receiving as much of a benefit back as what you are putting in? And how do you measure? Society, others, they, whoever you point to tell you to measure success by not only how much you have, but the right brand, style, etc., when in reality it’s you who tells yourself how much and what you should have.
You can spend up to half of your life acquiring those things and still be miserable. You can have thousands of “friends” online, but never talk to them and still be miserable. Pictures of friends showing you what great lives they lead, and the latest most beautiful pair of shoes you bought may provide an instant smile, or feeling of comfort, but can never replace the human connection we are designed for.
Real human relationships are what brings us love, joy, bliss and trust the most. And that is what we have the most difficulty with. We spend one-third to one half of our lives working because that is our comfort. It is our refuge. It is our solitude. When things are wrong over there, we tend to work harder here to compensate for over there, rather than learning how to fix that over there instead.
It takes great strength and determination to make a change, but change is also easier than you think. It’s just one step at a time. And the first step is going to to get started on the path to joy, bliss, trust, and love!