How to Create a Blueprint for Living
Posted on July 17, 2020 by David Cunningham, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
Develop a blueprint for the kind of life you want to live in the areas that are important to you.
Creating a Blueprint for Living
Living Intentionally is a statistically significant habit of high performers. My own experience is that getting clear about what I want my life to look like changes everything. I encourage everyone to invite God into this process praying for a clear vision as to what it would look like for you to be a fully evolved/enlightened in the following areas:
Mission Statement
Relationships (platonic)
Marriage/Romantic Relationships
Here are a few suggestions based on my experience. NueroLinguistic program tells us that repeating “I am” statements literally changes the way our brain functions so avoid statements like I want to….or I would like to…or I will try to. Be positive as well, avoiding statements like I don’t or I won’t. Know that if you do this correctly you may feel awkward, embarrassed or even ashamed. At least that was my experience. Slowly, but surely though the brain begins to accept these new ideas as truth. I see this script as intentionally praying for a vision of my salvation and making statements of faith believing that God will make it so. I read my blueprint for living daily as a way for me to remember who I am and what is really important to me.
Feel free to use mine as a jumping off place. What is important is to start. You can always adapt and change it later. I continue to edit mine about every 6-8 months as I continue to grow and learn about those areas God is challenging me to live more fully into my true self.
Mission: I inspire greatness in all that I do. My life is dedicated to personal transformation and to helping others live lives of passion and purpose. My work, attitude, and service brings honor to my ancestors, teachers, community and family.
Attitude I am so happy, grateful, and positive. I always focus on what is good and right in my life. I take time to enjoy life, to laugh, play, and celebrate all the goodness around me. I encourage others’ success with my positivity and passion.
Health I am strong, fit and healthy. I enjoy eating fruits and vegetables that nourish and heal me. I enjoy the energy, confidence, and opportunities available to me because of my commitment to my health. Daily I stretch and exercise to remove stress and to energize my body. I get 6 hours of sleep so that I am alert and rested.
Spirituality I am at peace and inspired. I read, listen, and surround myself with others that encourage me. I fully trust in God’s plan and goodness. I am no longer a slave to fear. Out of my faith I live with generosity and compassion.
Relationships I am loving and kind. Others feel loved and important in my presence. I accept others as they are. I am quick to forgive and slow to anger.
Marriage I am an amazing husband. I honor Amber in all that I do. I take time throughout the day to remind her of my love and devotion. I encourage and praise her successes. I believe the best in her. I enjoy taking time to be fully present hearing her thoughts and feelings.
Financially I am wise. I invest in people, things and experiences that are life changing and transformative. Money comes to me freely and easily from known and unknown sources. My skills and talents are rare and prized. Others love to support me financially. I am grateful for the fact that I am earning enough money to extravagantly bless my family, friends and community with my wealth. I am smart enough, good enough and committed to achieving the wealth and happiness that I deserve.
Work I am disciplined. I prioritize the things that are the most important and transformative. I am focused. I don’t waste my life on the trivial or insignificant. I passionately use my gifts and talents to make the biggest impact possible on those I serve. I am a professional in all that I do. I am on time, alert, and ready to give my all. I am pushing through the fear and tenaciously pursuing my destiny.
Artistic I am God’s voice. My art is God’s gift to the world. When I create I feel God moving in and through me. My visions dreams come from God. It is exciting to see how we are going to accomplish them. Our creations bring, hope, beauty and goodness into the world.