Why I am a Coach to Leaders in Tech
Posted on July 15, 2020 by Andrew Hapke, One of Thousands of Entrepreneurship Coaches on Noomii.
Over the years working at companies like American Express, Etsy, and Splice - I always resisted being “that guy.”
Over the years working at companies like American Express, Etsy, and Splice – I always resisted being “that guy.” You know, the guy who puts himself on the agenda to share the great work he’s done, or sets up time with his boss’s boss, for “visibility.”
I told myself I didn’t have anything worth sharing, or that I didn’t want to take up too much space. And, to be honest, my career suffered and so did my happiness.
Training to become a coach with the Co-Active Training Institute, I learned the language and the tools to question the stories I was telling myself about my own competence and worth. And I realized that they were stories. Not truths, just stories.
Here are some truths: I’ve built and launched products that touched millions of lives. I’ve been the leader of multiple high performing teams. I’ve invested in and mentored the founders of several successful start-ups.
And now, I offer this experience to others. I offer my experience from the tech world – as a leader and as someone who doubted himself. And I offer my experience as a coach – one who has the tools to help people reimagine the stories in their head that are holding them back.