Who's Driving the Bus
Posted on July 09, 2020 by Gray Hughes, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Why you are best qualified to run your own life.
You know how the bus works. You’ve grown up together. You know its strengths, weaknesses, tricks and secrets. You can kid other people but you can’t kid yourself.
You don’t need an ‘expert’. You need time and space to listen to your true self. Only you can give yourself the permission to follow your dream, to choose to value yourself that much.
No-one is going to wave a magic wand so that everything falls into place and you live happily ever after.
It’s up to you.
You are driving the bus.
You are the bus.
You are the only person qualified to take charge of your life. You know what’s best for you, but you might need some insight to get in touch with your inner wisdom. That gold inside you which is just itching to shine.
You do want to shine, don’t you?