Posted on June 03, 2020 by Nermine N, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
A farmer can plant and water the seed, but he cannot make the seed die and grow, for there are circumstances outside of his control.
The farmer knows the extent of his responsibility.
Same goes with us as human beings.
We can study which hormones of pleasure activate inside of us when we eat chocolate, or what happens to our nervous system when we feel fear and what part of the brain is involved in our reaction to stress BUT, we still have no control over what happens there.
Our responsibility is not biological, or cognitive, but spiritual.
Understanding what causes the fear or when do we feel like eating chocolate and why, this is our job.
Medication tries to cause life outside of us by changing what is happening inside of us.
But this is going about things the other way round.
Of course, if we stay unaware of what is happening to us for too long, we will end up needing to take the medicine but it does not have to be this way.
If we would just be willing to pay attention, be sensitive to the way we feel and to how and when things affect us, we would be doing a great job.
It has been a long time since ancient Greek philosophy asked the right questions and considered human beings as a whole “mind, body and soul”, always.
The fact that now, academical knowledge receives more accolades than inner intuitive knowledge, does not mean that intuitive knowledge has disappeared.
We can become "numbed" to that intuitive part of us, but it has not died.
Sometimes, we simply “know” something to be true, or wrong.
If we would be willing to reconnect with that part of us, we would see life differently.
Paying attention to how we feel when we eat in the morning and when we don’t; when we drink tea after 2pm and when we don’t; when we study or work in a cafeteria with music and noise, at home alone, or in a library and why; if we concentrate better when we listen to things or when we read them.
And so much more…
For intuition does not replace knowledge, but it tells us which knowledge to go about and why.
“Practical wisdom enables virtuous living” (Aristotle; 385-323 B.C:E)