Losing Weight From the Inside Out
Posted on July 05, 2011 by Andrea Bown, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
When it comes to successful weight loss, the secret is training the mind AND body at the same time.
It’s EVERYWHERE!! Weight loss shows, diet pills, lose 30 lbs in 30 days, 6 pack in 6 weeks…anything to do with weight loss has been marketed, blasted, and tried. You name it and it’s been done. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry!
We get motivated by the TV shows, inspired by the before and after photos and convinced it will work for us. So why is it that so many people still struggle??
Could it be that we are overloaded every day by some sort of social media, tv advertisements, magazines, and emails; that we don’t even take a moment to breathe? Could it be that our ‘to do’ list is longer than a grocery receipt? Or at least we think it is, because who can remember the last time they took the time to write a list!!
With this constant pace we keep, how is it even possible to lose weight?? When really…it all Starts with You!
Yeah, You! Not connecting on social media, not a diet pill, not the latest and greatest fitness tool…YOU. Simple AND Hard.
It starts by taking care of you! Taking a few minutes each day to sit and breathe – that’s it. No distractions, no noise and just allow yourself to be still and slow down your mind. I’m not saying you have to join a meditation group, or lock yourself in a closet for an hour. But you have to slow down enough to allow yourself to see how you are really living.
Are you living your life the way you want? If you keep living the way you are will it move you closer to the life you want in one year? Five years?
Okay, so now that you’ve slowed down enough to read this…get a vision of the life you really want…if it’s weight loss, see yourself as that person! Once you have a vision of what you want for yourself, it’s easier to know where you are going. Now create a plan to move towards what you want and take ACTION one day at a time.
…it all Starts with You!!