A Focus on Employee Success
Posted on May 21, 2020 by Deanna Grey, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Deanna Grey, certified Life and Career Coach, shares 11 techniques organizations can use to build a strong employee success program.
Having worked in a variety of professional and not-so-professional environments, I speak from experience when I say its a lot more fun to work for businesses that make employee satisfaction and success a priority. Those businesses understand that in the long run, it is less costly to keep employees than to hire and train new ones. When effort is put into creating an innovative environment that supports employee success, businesses are more likely to keep high performing individuals.
An effective Employee Success Program begins with the very first contact a potential hire has with your company and continues through the employee’s entire employment. While success programs may look different from business to business, here are some common denominators:
1. Accurate job descriptions
2. Interviews that offer a realistic look into the job’s responsibilities, salary and potential for growth – not a puffed up version that leads the potential hire to disappointment when the expected opportunities don’t materialize
3. A little better than the competition when it comes to salaries and benefits
4. Standardized employee orientations. For example: An ‘Our Company 101’ style orientation which includes where to park, access codes, company tour, scheduled introductions to co-workers, work space that is set-up and functioning prior to employees first day, location of printer/office supplies, staff directory, etc.
5. Job specific training
6. Team building (team language encouraged by leadership, open communication among staff, team lunches, team building activities, etc.)
7. Collaboration across teams to advance company goals and reduce the potential for an environment that silos and stifles creativity and productivity.
8. Cross training
9. Opportunities for professional development
10. Opportunities to work remotely
11. Flexible schedules
If you want to keep your employees, you have to show them you are willing to invest in their success. How does your company stack up?