The Art of the Mantra
Posted on May 20, 2020 by Deanna Grey, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Deanna Grey, certified Life Coach, shares the benefits of using mantras for personal wellness and offers 3 easy steps to get started.
Mantras are one of my favorite wellness tools. They are a great way to focus our attention on what we want, rather than what we don’t. If you are someone who tends to get caught up in negative thinking or tends to focus on problems rather than solutions, you might give mantras a try. When we turn our attention to the state of being we want to create, we partner with our thoughts to bring about new perspectives and experiences.
Mantras are best when they are succinct. They are more easily remembered and more quickly come to mind when we find ourselves reverting to thoughts that take us away from that which we wish to experience. To use myself as an example… I’m someone with an active brain. I ponder, wonder, worry, revisit, ruminate and occasionally overthink. And sometimes I focus on that which I perceive as negative, rather than positive. So, I came up with the mantra, ‘My brain is happy’. Short and simple. When my brain is happy, there is nothing that it needs to do, or fix or worry over. When I think and say, “My brain is happy.” my thoughts calm down and I feel more peaceful.
When crafting a mantra, keep these 3 things in mind:
1. Shorter is better.
2. They need to ‘feel’ right.
3. They need be on point (if they are too general, they lose their impact).
Mantras that meet these 3 criteria will perform better and help you meet your goals more quickly. If you struggle with indecision try something like ‘I easily know which option to choose.’ If you want to eat healthier, ‘I enjoy eating healthy foods’. If speaking your truth is important, ‘It’s OK for me to speak my truth.’, If working on self-esteem, ‘I have a lot to offer.’
Put some emotion into your mantra when you say it and you’ll add a power boost! Be sure to repeat your mantras often, as that gets the best results. Go on, give mantras a try. They are a great tool to have in your wellness kit.
As always, I am honored to hold a sacred space for you as you discover your value and your power. I believe in you.
In Light, Love & Joy,