The Measure of Success and Personal Power.
Posted on July 04, 2011 by Carla Langmead, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
What does Personal Power mean to you? Is it money? Recognition? Beauty? Read on to see what being Power full really means.
When we lose our independence we feel like we lose a lot of our personal power, and there will always be natural consequences of feeling powerless. If its due to old age or illness then there seems to be a certain level of acceptance with this, especially as we age because we recognise intrinsically that it is part of our natural human development cycle. However, many people can have their personal power threatened by others drive and greed to control them. If you are a witness to this it may feel like being forced to watch a very bad movie that looks destined for a tragic ending.
The need to control others is about Power. Power is about what makes you feel strong and successful. People who need to control others at all costs stems from their own insufficiencies and feelings of inadequacies. So with that in mind, here is a very simple exercise to do:
1)What is your measure of success? Here is a few suggestions but I’m sure you will know more:
Money; recognition; beauty and youth; helping others; possessions; physical strength; domination….etc etc.
2)And How does that impact on those around you?
3)Do others have to lose something in order for you to gain something? OR do others gain through your gain.
What you do with this answer is up to you of course, its an exercise of introspection and hopefully an opportunity for you write the script of the sort of movie you would want to create. As a Wellness Coach it is my job to assist you in empowering yourself. Once empowered there is no need to draw, drain or bully others, OR have others do that to you.
Oh and P.S. In every movie, the good guys always win!
Carla Langmead is Wanganui’s Wellness Coach
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