Posted on May 17, 2020 by Ngoni Cash, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
What are you doing today to strategically position future generations to succeed? There is a reason why you are a front-runner - find your purpose!
If you are concerned about your future and what will become of your children and grandkids, you need to understand the power of decision making and sacrifice. These decisions, choices and sacrifices determine what’s perpetuated to your future generations. You need to understand and appreciate that life always happens, you will fail, face difficulties and challenges but the greatest question – will you rise above it? You must accept it now that people will always make moves and structure situations to advantage themselves first. Therefore you cannot afford to whine and be mad when someone decides to disadvantage or persecute you and neither should they complain when you respond in a way contrary to their expectations. There are certain challenges which will never barge in your life until you rise violently to destroy and annihilate them.
God and life will also afford every individual an opportune season or time in life to destroy a challenge which has tormented your generation. This is a privileged moment to change the trajectory of your future generations. This is not a time to be cute and humble but to violently appropriate what’s yours. Certain enemies will never respect you until you prove yourself or put them in their place. A bunch of swine teaches us three lessons that will help you position your life to ‘buy the future’ for your generations. This bunch fulfilled their assignment to destroy a challenge, a devil the whole city had gotten accustomed to and comfortable with. This lesson also speaks to the issue of priorities in life, evidenced by the demand from the people delivered asking the deliverer to leave them alone.
Lesson 1 – Decisions
This bunch was clear on what they wanted for their future, most importantly for their little ones. They understood no one had the power to determine their destiny, their future was totally up to their choices and decisions; a mistake the enemy never anticipated. You should never worry nor be bothered by people who underestimate and easily dismiss you, it is their mistake and loss. Many institutions, organizations and leaders are losing a return of their investment by failing to capitalize on the capacity of employees at their disposal. A bunch of demons requested to be released into a bunch of swine after being cast out of two men. These devils thought this bunch of swine was an idle mind, remember an idle mind is a playground for the devil. He is always looking for an incubation place. Unfortunately for him, this bunch knew their purpose and understood their assignment. The fact that you are not invited into a conversation about your destiny doesn’t compel you to accept the outcome of that discussion. This bunch of swine decided to deal violently with this enemy. When you are rise up from the shadows of inferiority, it should be in style and as a statement to your enemies to think twice before coming after you. Make a decision today to stand up and fight for your future generations by building yourself first and strategically positioning yourself to weather any storm or challenge.
Let them remember forever, the day they played the titans – Quote from Clash of The Titans
Lesson 2 – Sacrifice
Unfortunately for this brave, goal-oriented and vision-driven bunch of swine, the fight was bigger than they could handle. Regardless, they still made another decision never to allow this enemy, challenge or problem to ever haunt their children. They made the ultimate decision to sacrifice their lives to guarantee a better future for their children. This is the time we have to sacrifice our time, leisure, travel etc. to secure a greater tomorrow. One question to ask, will you survive a job loss, a sick child, a recession? If you are not ready for these tragedies, I suggest you start preparing to leverage now. I am amazed at people who are stuck in a job there don’t like or in a place that hasn’t paid them in a while. One reason compels them to stay put, it’s not hope nor faith but lack of options. The only reason one is encouraged to stick it out is out of loyalty to an organization that has taken care of you for a long time, don’t jump ship but assist to weather the storm. Unfortunately, instead of sacrificing to help bring the organization out of the woods, the majority stick around because they found loopholes to steal and are in corrupt activities. I encourage you to stop complaining and speaking ill, God and your boss will honour your sacrifice. If you are not prepared to make a sacrifice for the future, please don’t be a hindrance to others committed to making a change. For your benefit, it’s time to prepare yourself and always be relevant and marketable in every season and environment. Make the sacrifice now and be relevant to make a difference.
Lesson 3 – Deliverance
A bunch of swine delivered the whole city from captivity. The world has accepted a status quo detriment to the advancement of man. This devil had kept the whole city-bound and paying tax, duty and custom to this evil. Imagine communities ravaged by drugs, prostitution, sexual immorality, poverty and violence? What about a continent lost to war, depriving the future generations of education and empowerment? Individuals, families, communities, churches and leaders have to rise and write the wrongs been perpetuated into the future. Do not settle, if it’s not a win-win go for no deal. Today, the world is one global village which must come together in our individuality standing for what’s right and true. Man has become his enemy requiring a pig to deliver him.
Lessons are drawn from Matthew 8:28-24