Are you going in the right direction?
Posted on May 11, 2020 by Bruna Rocha, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Great changes can happen in your career and life when you take the control of your choices…
Many of us are living or lived for a long period of life Feeling stuck, it is the worst, isn’t it? It’s like you’re walking around with a backpack full of rocks on your shoulders and slugging through life.
On one hand, you have your heart, which knows your inner truth. Your infinite potential. On the other hand, you have your mind, which seeks to understand through logic and reason.
When your heart believes one thing, but your mind believes another, you will NEVER manifest effectively. When the two are fully connected you’ll be able to use your entire body as a magnet, designed to work with the Universe.
Having a burning desire for something can really move you. It’s what drives us all!!!
However, there’s nothing worse than a burning desire that has no clear meaning and direction.
Successful people know how to focus and channel that burning desire into a specific outcome in their lives .
When you have an outcome in mind, and acclimate your desires in this one specific way, you’ll find that brand new opportunities show up where you’d least expect it, and you can convert that feeling of having what you want into the fuel you need. Everything else will fall into place.
Have you ever heard the term “work smarter, not harder?” It’s one thing to know, but another thing to live by. Especially if you are like me, and you were raised to believe that hard work looks an awful lot like success!
Questions to ask for your self reflection.
Do you have a BIG dream of building a life and livelihood that’s free of the challenges you’re dealing with now ?
Do you want to believe that you can do what others have done before you – build a thriving professional life you love?
Do you want to do all that while also loving your personal life, relationships and having the free time to be with your loved ones and to honor your other priorities outside of work?
Do you want to stop your worrying “perfectionist over-functioning” – fatiguing yourself to the bone doing more than is necessary, appropriate or healthy for your work and your family?
If you struggle with these challenges now, you need to change inwardly first – including how you’re viewing yourself and what you’re seeing about your life, talents, and capabilities in order for things to change outwardly for you.
Many of us do not have the courage to see what we want in life. Some people can’t even dream! But you can. However, a couple things still holding you back from actually going out there and LIVING that dream.
Fear can stand for one of two things; Face Everything And Rise, or Forget Everything And Run.
You see, whenever we venture outside our comfort zone, it can feel uncomfortable. When you do things you’ve never done, you are taking a risk.
All sorts of doubts can creep into your mind. That’s why eliminating those doubts and fears are so essential to your success.
As soon as that happens, you WILL be ready to create abundance in all areas of your life.
With Love and Gratitude,
Bruna Rocha