Intuitive Compass
Posted on May 01, 2020 by Sonia Gonzalez, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Your intuition is not some airy-fairy thing some that magical people have this superpower. It’s a practical guidance system within every one of us.
I’d like to take you on a journey as we awaken a part of you that is most authentic and true so I invite you to close your eyes as we take a short trip down memory lane as you close your eyes let’s take a deep breath in and breathing out and just relax let go. Bring into your awareness a time in your life when you relied on your gut feeling to decide that at that time may have been a little irrational but it was one of the best decisions you’ve made for yourself. Recall that moment when you decided yes,” I know deep down inside this decision feels true”. And as you take in another deep breath in feeling your body at that moment what did it feel like for you? Perhaps your body was open, relaxed, light or expansive or at peace. Still with your eyes remaining close bringing yourself into the present moment and noticing how has that one decision played a role with where you are today. With a simple nod or show hands how of you were able to recall an experience where you trusted your gut feeling, beautiful. So at least we’ve all had one experience in our life that we trusted our inner voice, that inner voice, gut feeling a sixth sense that is your intuition.
• Your intuition is not an airy-fairy thing that some magical people have this superpower. It’s a practical guidance system within every one of us. Thousands of executives, CEOs and successful entrepreneurs have used this resource and claimed that it has been a game-changer. In a moment, I’m going to share a simple yet powerful way to access and leverage your intuition.
• As a culture, we have learned to believe that rationality is what should prevail when making decisions about anything from crucial business mergers to what to eat for lunch. However, thanks to all the explosion of research over the last two decades, we have science that is backing up this “intuitive mind” under umbrellas like neuroscience and cognitive psychology or behavioural economics. All the scientists and authors of books are focused on the immense capacity of our unconscious mind.
• Scientist and Nobel prize winner Daniel Kahneman wrote the book “Thinking Fast Thinking Slow”. Here he explains how the brain has two different operating systems, system 1 and system 2 (right brain and left brain). System one is our fast Thinking and often a very subconscious way to operating where feeling and intuition dominates, system 2 is our slower more analytical way of operating where logic and reason dominates. System 1 has been proved to know the right answer long before system 2 in a wide range of situations.
• According to Psychology Today, “Intuition is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and nonconscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason”
• I believe our intuition is just another of our senses the same as touch, taste, sight, smell and sound we have intuition and like in all and all of our other senses they can be more or less developed. A chef can take a plate of food and can taste all the different ingredients in the dish they can taste the different spices and he knows what it needs to enhance it even more.
• Predicting something by just looking at our children face, those are intuitions that we develop when we have familiarity with a given situation so it turns out that our subconscious mind can make roughly 10 million observations in any given setting all of you here today you’ve made countless observations 10 million perhaps the seat you’re sitting in, the people around you, the scent of the air, it’s hot or cold this all observations you are making all the time but at the same time your conscious mind can only keep track of about 40 to a 100 it’s incredible. That’s means that 99.999% of the observation you make you’re not being consciously aware of.
Three years ago, we thinking to buy a house.
Here’s a powerful way that I have used to access this invisible gift that we all have but not all of us are consciously using to further our goals and aspirations.
1. Create the right conditions: to make it sustainable and effective: Intuition, in fact, a combination of INTUITION= EXPERIENCE + EXPERTISE. When you have experience and expertise in a given area these intuitions these almost superhuman powers come automatically and the fastest way to get experience and expertise is immersion. You see when you do it all at one time you’ll give your unconscious mind and opportunity to see those patterns to organize all that new information and start sending you intuitive hints.
Example house…
2. Quite your mind: Take a distance from all the external information and sense how you feel. It’s important to sort all your thoughts around what you need and what you do not need and don’t spend energy on things that are not relevant or things that you cannot change. When you have a clear mind, you develop more awareness and that’s where your intuition comes from. It’s in the silence when we get this inner knowing and sometimes you might not be ready just sit with it. Our intuition and our purpose might push us to our edge and beyond and it might completely take us out of our comfort zone. Once you get the hit (voice, sensation, feeling etc.) Ask yourself what’s important to you so you can hear your inner voice instead of anybody else’s voices
3. Set a clear intention: Be honest with yourself:
Have a clear intent of what you want otherwise your intuition cannot guide you. Make it conscious by setting a conscious intention we make it real and act upon it. From setting an intention and declaring it and putting my stake in the ground a whole lot of opportunities opened up.
You need to train it like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it becomes. Our intuition is purely based on emotions and derives from things that have already happened to us. The more you dare to use it to try something new the more accurate it becomes.
Often you do not know what’s going to happen just imagen if you have an internal GSP, a protector and manifesto with you all the time, how life will be like for you? I encourage to take an active role in pursuing your goals and dreams by taking full advantage of the science and research available to help us live our purpose in this life by:
1) Creating the right conditions to get enough experience and expertise about what’s important to us 2) by quieting our minds so we can hear it when it speaks to us, 3) by making it real through declaring our intention and remember to take to the gym for daily practice. I believe this beautiful gift will help us stay true to ourselves to make the most of life.