Planned, Programmed or Product?
Posted on June 22, 2011 by Carla Langmead, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Just exactly who is in charge of your thoughts?
So who is ‘your brain’? Is it genetically manufactured? Is it separate to you? Who really is responsible for those thought patterns and cell networks firing together constantly? You? someone else? some higher being? All of those? All good questions for a good debate. But sticking to what we do know is that apparently your brain is prepatterned at birth, not the blank slate as we are all led to believe. To a certain degree your behaviour can be determined simply by looking at your genetic parents. Current neuroscience will tell you that you are 50% genetics and 50% a product of your environment. So to say ‘thats just the way I am’ is to a certain degree true, yet it should not be an opportunity to not change. (Which means guys and gals that to say that’s just what men do or that’s just what women do is a cop out!) You also have the power of choice. Choosing the status quo will keep you where you are right now, no change equals no change. Those who have weight loss and fitness goals will have experienced this on a very obvious physical level, its known as ‘plateauing’. In order for desired results in weight loss and fitness we need to be challenged, be able to change and modify how we work out, and be progressive. The same could be said for changing our behaviour. In fact any sort of evolution requires this. Sometimes a good revolution can hurry things along!