Posted on April 14, 2020 by Renee Nash - CPCC ACC, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
How do we want to emerge from these trying times.
A perspective is the way we look at things. In art it’s about the distance and position. When approaching an object it’s the appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distance and positions. When approaching a thought or situation it’s your mental view or capacity to view in their true relations or relative importance.
Perspectives influence how we engage and are affected by a situation or challenge. Too often, experience and osmosis determine our reactions to varied situations and ideas. What if I told you that you have the power to change your perspective on ANY given situation? Well you do. Just like the rest of the world we are being challenged with new normals that no doubt have an effect on our perspectives. Did you ever think you would be concerned about a toilet paper shortage? Did you ever think allowing employees to work from home was a productive option? Could you ever have imagined not being allowed to go to the movies, out to dinner or simply get your hair done? Our perspective has been altered due to circumstances out of our control. What if we could shift our perspective in a circumstance that is in our control? Do we have that power? Do we have that strength? Do we have the tools?
Coaching focuses on precise techniques within a specific parameter allowing you to realize a new position, a new view and a new way to feel. The result of these techniques bring new awarenesses and creativity that we couldn’t see and feel in the original perspective or idea. From this positive change and growth can occur easily.
I have a client who has given me permission to share her story. She was an overworked single mother who never had the time and energy to achieve her health and fitness goals. We went through several “perspective shifting” exercises thus shifting her “view” of her situation. She began to see and think differently that resulted in empowering her to discover new ideas when choosing healthier foods. She began exercising on her lunch breaks and created activities with the kids that involved all of them playing outside together. Within a month she was halfway to her goal weight with more energy and determination.
Let’s look at our current situation. Most of us are in quarantine, many have to venture out daily fearful they may contract the virus or spread it to others. Some are suffering with an illness not knowing if they will receive the care they need. Some are working tirelessly to help with no ability to go home to their families or take proper care of themselves. Let’s face it, it’s a scary time. We have been humbled to access what is necessary to get us through each day. We can’t visit friends, take a vacation or even hug our loved ones. How has your perspective shifted? What is important to you now? Does what concerned you 6 months ago concern you now? Is something that was unforgivable before seem more forgivable now? What new insights do you have about those you are in quarantine with? I invite you to take a moment to inventory what is new to you now and what have you learned? How do you want to process this new information?
When we emerge from this current crisis, what lessons will we have learned? How will we approach things? We can’t assume or imagine what changes our world will dictate when this is over but we CAN change how we will BE in this new world.
Please reach out to me if you would like to work together to change your perspectives from “I wish” to “I did”. Together we can ensure you emerge from this difficult time with new insights and more happiness.