Keep up to date with your Health Insurance.
Posted on June 22, 2011 by Carla Langmead, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
You are your own health insurance policy. You are worth investing in.
Don’t wait for crisis to hit, get yourself a maintenance plan to prevent what you can now. Your health maintenance programme should include strategies to keep your physical/mental and emotional health in balance. There is enough education out there now on healthy eating, physical activity, and programmes to keep stress levels to a minimum so there really is no excuse for ignorance any more. Small changes can result in big differences. Pretty simple stuff really, so why wait to ‘hit the wall’. If you are honest then you know when something needs your attention. Getting yourself a Wellness or Life Coach can bring the awareness needed to maintain your necessary balance. Having a Coach does not mean there is anything ‘wrong’ with you, or that you need ‘fixing’…. In fact its quite the contrary. Its not about changing who you fundamentally are, or healing you! Through a professional approach its about making sure that what you are doing in your life matches your intrinsic needs and ideally your Coach should become redundant.
Try this simple quiz:
Do you have some immediate goals?
Do you have some long term goals?
Do you have a good circle of supportive people or family around you?
Do you feel excited about your chosen career or job?
Do you feel a sense of achievement most days?
Are you comfortable with your lifestyle?
Do you have healthy relationships?
Do you know what makes the difference between a good and a bad day?
If you answered mainly yes, then congratulations you are managing your life well. Mainly No…. ? Wellness Coaching can help. Give me a call so you can get back on track. Staying habitually ‘stuck’ in a situation can and does lead to more permanent problems if left.
Having a Wellness Coach can change your life. Coaching can bring a heightened awareness, strength, motivation and confidence, giving you a better foundation when misfortune and adversity do visit.