Let's live our purposes today
Posted on April 12, 2020 by Poonam Gole, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Amidst the COVID Chaos, we find ourselves going through a deep transformation, external and internal. How can we approach 'our purpose' in a new way?
How do we define purpose? The reason for our existence? Our Why?
Our purpose is not singular; we are capable and made to have many purposes.
I am living this more than ever today in my life.
As a life coach, I feel a sense of duty to help bring more consciousness into the world; that’s thrown into utter chaos. Help people respond and not react, accept the new reality, find opportunities in adversity, find ways to adapt and be creative.
In my other role as an IT systems analyst at one of New York’s leading hospitals, I find purpose in being part of the silent force behind the healthcare warriors at the forefront of this crisis. An army of techies, who are relentlessly working to develop and enhance the systems, technology, and analytics, to help the healthcare workers do their jobs. I feel a deep sense of duty towards my colleagues, my workplace, my community.
I find my purpose in staying at home, doing my part in social distancing, offering help to the elderly in my neighborhood.
My purposes are not the roles I play. My purposes are empathy, collaboration, kindness, leadership, being in service to my community, my world that I have built around me. We humans find our purpose in service. No matter how small our role is in bringing about the change towards the betterment of this world, our service to others, to humanity, is what brings us our purpose.
Are you who are feeling hopeless, or scared or guilty, or lost in this COVID chaos?
Do you feel overwhelmed with all the news, the heartbreaking things you see in the world?
Do you feel like anything you do; it won’t be enough?
Stop looking so far away. Stop bombarding yourself with news all day. Tune out and look around you, you will see that YOUR world needs you.
Identify what you can and cannot control and focus on what you can control. Start with 1 person that you can help today. You can absolutely make a difference and find your purpose, your ‘Why’, in serving the people around you right now.
The ‘How’ can be in the form of caring for your family, donating money, donating meals, raising awareness, fostering a pet, creating happiness through music, art, blogs, helping someone through your technical skills, organizational skills, teaching skills.
Don’t discount the gift of YOU. Be proud of how you serve!
No one can make a difference in the world, without making a difference in their “own world”.
Start with where you are. Start with your family, your colleagues, your neighborhood, your community.
Your purposes are calling you.
Humanity is calling you.
Don’t put that call on hold.
Answer it today, with “How can I help?”
Find all your purposes, in service.