How A Spiritual Life and Meditation Coach Quickens Transformation
Posted on March 12, 2020 by Elizabeth Hancock, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
A Spiritual Life coach specializes in working with individuals that are interested in deepening their connection to their inner Self.
A Spiritual Life coach specializes in working with individuals that are interested in deepening their connection to their inner Self while pursuing creative ways in which to enrich their lives with spiritual/intuitive processes. I work with individual’s to help connect the dots; allowing them to see the bigger picture from a heightened perspective. The past is the past and cannot be changed, but we can change the way we see things and reframe our perception to one of empowerment and Self-Mastery.
“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” – Lao Tzu
Through deep introspection and meditative work a Spiritual Life coach helps a client understand how their current mindset serves as a causitive agent in their current life experiences. A Spiritual Life Coach helps an individual understand the part they played in creating their current life circumstances.
You cannot grow in conscious awareness without taking complete responsibility for your life. Through acceptance of the good, bad and sometimes ugly we empower ourselves. This is what Life Mastery is all about.The ability to approach any problem or issue from the level of the body, mind, emotions, and energy is what makes Spiritual Life Coaching a very transformative process.
A key component of working with a Spiritual Life coach is having the option to learn various methods of meditation to enhance greater self-awareness. In sessions where a client appears especially stuck, a guided meditation allows the individual to get out of the left brain-rational-logical mind and switch to more right-brain-creative-fluid thinking.
This quick switch alters the client’s perception to see their issue/problem from a completely different point of view and assists in surmounting the problem at a much faster rate. Guided meditations during sessions also help the client to relax and feel more at ease which quickens the intuitive process for more immediate transformation.
Elizabeth Hancock is a certified professional Life and Spiritual Coach (CPC, CSC) at BeyondYou.Coach, with 25+ years meditation experience, kundalini awakening, and intuitive insight. For more information on coaching please email: Liz@BeyondYou.Coach or call 650-460-4107.
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