Is It Time For A Change?
Posted on March 01, 2020 by Christina Renzelli, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
How to tap into your your internal guidance system.
Do you have this nagging feeling that you are meant to do something different in your life? Something big? Is it a feeling that you can’t get away from? You can’t shake it.
Signs, coincidences and synchronicities keep showing up? Are you feeling restless or bored in your daily grind? Or worse, you may be feeling burned out.
These are all signs that it may be time for redirection in your life. A new adventure is on your horizon. You have a big purpose here on Earth. It is part of your soul’s contract.
So what do you do? How do you start?
1. First, most people IGNORE the signs. They push them away. This is natural because if we listen, we might have to do something uncomfortable or risky. This can go on for a while.
We push them away. But they get louder. Sometimes they scream at you. This scream can come in the form of illness, or an accident. Something that will force you into taking a PAUSE.
2. Your awareness starts to grow. At this point, you may be even more confused because the answer is still unclear, but your normal life is unfulfilling. Something needs to change but you aren’t sure what it is yet. This can be the hard part, but if you let it, it can be the FUN part. Accept it. You are about to have a major life adventure. All you have to do in this phase is: LISTEN. Slow down, listen and start paying attention to the signs.
3. Start reflecting. What patterns have been showing up in your life or in your past?
4. Start journaling and spending time in solitude/silence. This can make a lot of people very uncomfortable, especially they are used to being constantly busy. It can also be scary because you might hear something you don’t want to know. Your soul/intuition will speak to you if you give it space and listen.
Many people think, “I don’t have time for that…self reflection, etc.” But do you have time NOT to?
5. Hash it out. Talking out loud to someone can help you process your thoughts. This may be why journaling is helpful.
6. Learn PATIENCE. Once you realize that life is trying to tell you something important, you might want to try to fast track it. Slow down! Let it reveal itself in time. You will learn to trust that the timing is always right.
Life will give you everything you need. It’s all right here if you listen.