Patricia Reed Greensboro, North Carolina
Life Coach, Performance Coach, Spirituality Coach
Certified Life Coach, Meditation Coach, Rites of Passage Trainer/Facilitator, Spiritual Counselor, Educator, Reiki Master
Greensboro, North Carolina 27410
- Hourly Rate: $75 to $120 US Dollars
- Gender: Female
About Me
If I could best describe myself, it would be as a Transformation Coach. My background as a coach is combined with a career as an educator (30+ years), adult Rites of Passage trainer & facilitator, meditation and holistic advisor as well as a spiritual counselor. My work helping others achieve goals and experience greater understanding in life has proven to be successful.
The tools and techniques I use in my coaching depend upon the needs of the client. Those that seek me as their coach sincerely want to create change and open pathways to success in whatever their endeavor may be.
Coaching should equip you with skills and techniques to apply in the present and future situations. That is my goal for you, to be empowered to meet future challenges with skills you can pull on to meet the situation. The sessions are conducted via Phone, Face Time, Skype, or in person.
I invite you to incite joy in your life, while facilitating change!
3 reviews (5.0)
Pat Reed is an amazing coach. I feel like I have a better vision of what I want in my life because of my time with her. She has a way of cutting through my own BS and zeroing in on the things I need to explore more. She gave me clear instructions and lots of encouragement. I have a better understanding of how to tackle issues related to my anxiety in the future. Thanks so much!
Sam W., Atty, Maryland
I was fortunate enough to work with Ms. Reed as my coach. She helped me work through a tough time in my life. I always feel calm and also confident after our coaching sessions. I can’t say enough about her skill with coaching. She is a gift!
C.K. Cleveland Oh.
Patricia Reed has been instrumental in my life transformation as my life coach. Patricia, having the ability to see and nurture me thru a metaphysical transformation is only the beginning. This coaching has helped move me from a state of cognitive dissonance to a forward progression, teaching me to use my abilities to unlock the dormant and hidden virtues in me that are necessary for more Light.
Roger O., Maryland
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