Nicholas Adams San Diego, California
Business Coach, Entrepreneurship Coach, Spirituality Coach
Certified Scrum Product Owner, Newfield Network Coach
San Diego, California 92154
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- Hourly Rate: $150 to $300 US Dollars
- Gender: Male
- Training: Newfield Network and The Institute for Generative Leadership
About Me
I am a coach. I have a coach. My coach has a coach.
Instagram: @nicksamadams
Growing Up Nick:
I'm a coach passionate about helping others find purpose and joy. Growing up in a large, competitive family, I learned the importance of discipline through wrestling. Despite experiencing setbacks and failures in my career and personal life, I persevered and discovered my "why": serving others.
My Why:
I've built and grown teams, launched multi-million dollar software products, and owned companies, but nothing has fulfilled me more than serving others. After overcoming struggles with addiction, self-worth, and expectations, I realized my true enemy was the story I was telling myself. I challenged my thinking and began a journey of self-discovery, eventually finding my purpose in serving others.
Who I Serve:
I work with driven, empathetic, high-performing individuals seeking a life beyond their wildest dreams. My clients range from persons in recovery to mid-level managers and executives. I aim to add value, promote love and understanding, and help others find connection and wholeness.
My Approach:
My ontological coaching approach focuses on challenging clients' underlying beliefs and assumptions, helping them understand and improve how they show up in the world. By examining and redefining these beliefs, my goal is to help clients make positive changes and achieve their dreams.
The Really Important Stuff:
I am grateful for my loving family and the support of my partner, with whom I share a life in Southern California. I am thankful for the ups AND the downs that have led me to this fulfilling life.
2 reviews (5.0)
My experience was positive. Overall, I got much value from his coaching. He helped me re-think my perspective on my budding romantic relationship and progress in my side business, led me to useful online resources for starting and progressing in my side web development business, and more. He won't be your drill sargeant. He will be an accountability partner who commits to your growth as much as you commit to your own growth.
Andrew John Wolf
When Nick and I started working together, I was going through a major shift at work that could have really sent me down a negative path. Life events like this happen, but it could have led me to miss out on some really great opportunities. One thing that I appreciated about Nick from the start was his calming and relaxed presence, it made it easier to just talk. The conversations flowed organically, but with a little structure to stay the course towards the ultimate coaching goal. And, it was never about giving advice, but creating a conversation to open the mind to new ways of thinking and seeing whats in front of us. Over the course of the sessions, that was one of the things I looked forward to the most. I would give Nick the run down on the problem I was facing, he would ask some questions to dive deeper into the situation and my feelings, and then in a really calm, non judgmental way would offer, have you thought about if from this angle? Then, we would talk and find a positive and productive way to go through and really tackle the issue. Nicks approach exactly what I needed during that transition and I value his ability to see and coach the whole person while also providing stability and guidance, during times of uncertainty. Thank you Nick!
Steph R.