Nancie Vito Atlanta, Georgia
Life Coach, Performance Coach
Atlanta, Georgia 30312
- Gender: Female
- Training: Coach Training Alliance
About Me
My coaching focuses on your happiness, success and overall well-being. Whether you feel "stuck," stressed, overwhelmed, or have decided to take big steps in your life to pursue your dream (with that extra "nudge" and accountability), I will help! I bring a unique combination of 10+ years of coaching, in addition to my background in mental health, extensive knowledge from my education and training with top experts in the field, and my calling to help others "flourish" in their lives. I have had my own coaching practice since 2009.
I will help you:
• reach your personal and professional goals
• reduce stress and burnout
• gain clarity
• design your ideal (dream!) life
• start anew if you are at a crossroads
• develop a plan for self-care
• gain courage and push through fears
• get unstuck
• live an overall happier, more fulfilled life.
The process is truly transformative. You will grow and reach your personal and professional goals while I serve as an accountability partner.
My professional background includes positions at Emory University, the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, the Atlanta Regional Commission and the CDC. I hold a masters degree, I'm working on a 2nd graduate degree in organizational psychology, and have obtained multiple certifications.
My mission is to help people thrive. It is so much fun to see clients go from “stuck” to flourishing, fully enjoying life, pursuing their dreams and living with passion & purpose.
Head over to my site to sign up for free tips on increasing happiness, chasing your dream and creating a life you love.
18 reviews (1 verified) (5.0)
VerifiedGreat start! Looking forward to learning new ways of reaching my goals.
Sally Cowart Hughes
Many thanks for this beautiful opportunity Nancie. It has really helped me to focus on all the beauty that exists in my world already, and have felt motivated to take those steps towards my goals. One of them (which I has been on my list for the last two years) has been to create a body of art work to display at one of our community cafes. This has always been a scary prospect for me as painting is not my usual form of creative expression, even though I enjoy it but something has been pushing me to do so. Soo.... I am booked in for March and my creative flow has come through with a vengeance. So thanks again for this inspirational exercise!
J., Artist, Australia
I've been thinking a lot about our sessions together & how different my attitude/work-life balance/goals/mentality are now. I had no idea that life coaching could continue to help even AFTER our sessions! I was just thinking this morning about how I can immediately tell you what "lights me up" and "excites me" and what I'm passionate about- thanks to you! :) I love reading your posts & am inspired...."
Kate, Physical Therapist
My greatest challenge was being unfulfilled and very unhappy with my career. I was lying to myself and was not living my highest truth nor following my passions and dreams. I was not working in a company with my same values and only working for the money. I felt like my soul was leaving my body every time I walked into the door of the firm. Working with Nancie has been inspiring. She has a grace and presence about her that is indescribable. She helps you form a plan, assists you in setting goals to achieve that plan, while also holding you accountable to that plan. I look forward to meeting with Nancie every week and gaining from her knowledge, experience, and overall "goodness". She is truly one of the angels on this Earth. Since working with Nancie I have left my former firm. I am now chasing my dreams and working with people and organizations with the same value systems. I am 200% happier and feel very fulfilled. Nancie has helped me to believe in myself and my abilities and continues to help me set future plans and directions with my new venture. I feel motivated and ready to seize the day each and everyday. I am following my dreams and working to make myself and the world better. I am eternally grateful for Nancie's guidance and kindness.
Tom B., Entrepreneur, Accountant
My problem, and the reason I called Nancie, was that I had simply become tired of doing just fine. In every area of my life, I wanted to be doing awesome! I didn't know quite what to expect when I first started working with Nancie but she immediately put me at ease. I figured it was going to be a simple process; I was going to come up with a bunch of lofty goals and Nancie was going to help me achieve all of them. Once I achieved at least most of those goals, my life was indeed going to be "awesome". Fortunately, I was totally wrong! The fact of the matter was that I just wasn't happy and, since I didn't know to change that, I made up a story in my head that I would finally be happy once I achieved certain goals, made a certain amount of money, etc. I was totally ignoring the fact that I had been telling myself those same stories for 20+ years yet still had never managed to achieve that elusive happiness. Nancie has helped me realize that it is totally possible to be happy today right where I am. That process took time and will be different for everybody, but Nancie is a wonderful guide. She's kind and insightful without the slightest hint of judgement. Her guidance, encouragement and genuine excitement for my progress has had a powerful impact on my life. I'm well on my way to achieving the goals I initially set with Nancie but those achievements are only a byproduct of a newfound happiness and gratitude instead of the other way around. Simply put, I'm a work in progress but, since working with Nancie, I have learned to embrace and enjoy the process.
Mike, Finance Professional
My greatest challenge was taking the first step. I needed to know why this was something that I should do. It (coaching) was an unknown factor for me, and I didn't know what to expect. While working with you, I learned that understanding why I have goals is as important as the goals themselves. The why behind it all is a great motivating force. You’re so easy to communicate with, and I felt like the more I put in the more I got out. So that really helped me open up to the process. I would and I will recommend you to others. I saw real results and would recommend that to anyone.
Craig, Atlanta, GA
"I ultimately wanted to obtain clarity and focus on what I desired most. Feeling complacent at my current position, I knew something was off but I couldn't figure out exactly what it was. Not only did you help align me to my desired future state, you also helped with a variety of other smaller productivity challenges as well. In 3 months, I was able to make significant progress on challenges that I've been facing for 30 years."
~ Alex Gonzalez, Entrepreneur
When I first reached out to Nancie, I was officially on autopilot. She was all-in to foster movement in my life. After she worked me through admitting my dreams to myself, she then helped me breakdown a tactical plan to acheive them. She is an absolute momentum builder by celebrating each step forward while identifying a game plan to burst through any barriers that arise. Such a short time working with Nancie, my ideal life began materializing. Flourishing feels amazing.
Heather B., CFO, Atlanta, GA
Working with Nancie is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. You're going to get what you put it into it. It's not magic or alchemy that occurs when you meet with her, it's more of a self-realization of what one can accomplish. If you show up to all the appointments, totally immerse yourself into what the two of you come up with and DO THE WORK, you will know exactly what you want and what you are able to manifest into your life.
Joey, Chef, Atlanta, GA
"Before working with Nancie, I had to overcome a negative and/or mediocre thinking about what I am able to accomplish. I also had to work through worrying about what the other person was thinking about me or my actions. It effected me in my personal and professional life. I became an Independent Consultant for a skincare company and realized my concern about the above issues, and insecurity stemming from these issues, was keeping me from moving forward. These issues had also kept me from applying for various positions in my primary field as an Underwriter. I contacted Nancie after getting a recommendation from another business owner, who had been helped by Nancie. I put growing my business on hold until Nancie helped me to apply actions to my life and thoughts, in order to get beyond the negative thinking. She helped me to understand and believe that many of those thoughts were not based in reality. I knew, in theory, a lot of what we discussed but did not know how to apply it to my own thought processes. Do I still have some of those thoughts - yes. I am so much better equipped today to 'talk back' to the negative thoughts that come in my mind and stop them. I am becoming more involved in different activities in order to meet people and share information about my business now. I continue to work on some issues that have to do with confidence in being front of a crowd and speaking, but now I can see that I should be able to overcome that also. Before my sessions with Nancie, I would have told you that was just the way it was, and would not have expected it to change. Thank you Nancie"
Vickie, Skincare Consultant
I had come to a place where I was no longer excited or motivated in starting a fashion design business. I was burnt out and full of anxiety and fear about the future. Nancie was fundamental in helping determine the right path for me and had many great tools and resources to assist with keeping on track, and staying focused and motivated. Unexpectedly I learned a great deal about myself and who I am as a designer. I am now better prepared and more confidant in my future and personal choices. I am reconnected with my work as a designer on a higher and more intentional level.
Mary, Fashion Designer
Nancie, I just wanted to say thank you for all that you do. You've helped me become a better person and get to the place where I want to be..."
M., student
"...My whole life I have tried to achieve this sense of inner peace and self-acceptance by being successful in school and work. No matter how many goals I reached and surpassed, how many awards I won, or how many people were impressed with my credentials, on the inside I never felt satisfied. This caused me to continually doubt myself, to struggle with comparing myself to others, and to simply feel like I will just never be or do enough. Since (my son) arrived, somehow all the things I used to obsess about don't matter. To him, I know I will always be enough. Nancie, I have you to thank for helping me get to this point. You helped me become aware of my self-defeating behaviors and helped me realize that I'd never really feel fulfilled until I became a mom. You helped me understand that life doesn't have to be lived through a series of work-related successes, and can instead be lived through love. Working with you did not diminish my work ethic or desire to succeed professionally, but rather helped me learn about my own priorities and to determine my own self-worth based on those. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a guiding light. You never told me what to think or what to do, but somehow magically knew all the right questions to ask, and knew just when to be quiet and listen, to help me figure it out for myself. Now I realize I had the "answers" I was searching for all along, but never trusted myself. Thank you for helping me trust myself. I know life is a long journey, and that I will continually have to work on growing as a person (and now as a mom, too!). But I just wanted you to know...my life feels complete."
K., University Professor
"My time with Nancie was priceless. Any reservations I had about spending the money were gone after my first session. Nancie knew all the right questions to ask to lead me where I needed to be. She also helped to take away my feelings of guilt and failure. One of the most important things I learned from her was how much more successful I could be as a person by doing the things that God built me to do. I wasn’t built to be a nurse, my talents lay elsewhere, and that is o.k. She taught me that I should be doing things that give me energy not take away all my energy. I also learned that I didn’t have to fit into a certain mold; I could create my place in the world and make it work for me. As a result of my time spent with Nancie I have now stopped negative thoughts that don’t serve me, and have learned to keep momentum moving forward with things that I am passionate about. The difference that Nancie has made in my life is priceless. I have now started my own business and it immediately took off. You can’t imagine the ease that comes with doing what you are meant to do. When you are really good at something, something that comes naturally to you, people sense it and are drawn to you. Life is so easy now and things just seem to fall into my lap. My family even sees the difference in me, and my confidence. So the difference is not just in my career but my family life too. I am so grateful to Nancie and everything she has opened my eyes to."
~ Kristin, C., Business Owner, Creative Entrepreneur, Georgia
"Nancie has had a hugely positive impact in my life! Her intuitive nature allows her to get straight to the heart of the matter. Every time I speak with her, she has fresh and honest insight that helps me to get over the hurdle I am facing at the time. Nancie's caring and nurturing personality also makes her really pleasant to speak with. I feel like I am talking to one of my closest friends! Her uncanny ability to say EXACTLY what I need to hear is priceless, really."
~Ayana, Blogger, Tutor and Artist
Prior to meeting Nancie, I felt stuck, knowing that a major lifestyle and career change was needed, but not knowing how to get from point A to point B. I felt as if I was living my backup plan, not my life purpose, and needed assistance figuring this out. Nancie was an absolute pleasure to work with. She helped me focus, assisted with clear short and long-term goal setting, and provided invaluable guidance for determining the career path that most resonated with me. Nancie provided me with numerous methods for getting "unstuck" and conquering fears and mental roadblocks. I've learned to believe in myself and my abilities, and to not let financial concerns get in the way of living my life's purpose. I've also learned to cultivate an abundance mindset, as opposed to coming from a place of scarcity and lack. Nancie has helped me to be more goal-oriented in my approach. It was wonderful having a life coach to help me push past the challenges that arose. Nancie taught me how to effectively deal with automatic negative thinking using disputation techniques. I'm employed by a software company as Internet Marketing Manager, and submitted an application to the Savannah College of Art & Design for their MFA program. Upon graduation, I will earn a full-time living as a fine artist and painter, living a meaningful and passionate life that brings me great happiness.
~G.H., Artist, Internet Marketing Manager
I heard about Nancie at a time where I was completely overwhelmed- financially, professionally, and personally- and after just one session I had so much more clarity about what it was I needed to do to get to where I want to be. Nancie helped me push through the quagmire and see where I had options, and helped me come up with strategies to make the best use of my time so I could fully enjoy my options.
Beth, Small Business CEO, Florida
Before working with Nancie, I was stuck in personal rut. I was coming out of a time of intense illness and was having trouble setting reasonable goals for myself. I had a very large perfectionistic streak which was not helpful to me. Nancie was so positive and I always felt both nurtured and challenged, which is a difficult balance. She also encouraged me to come up with my own solutions but was always ready with suggestions and advice and held me accountable when I needed it. I have learned a different definition of success, which has been revolutionary for me. I learned the power of making both long term goals, short term goals, and the importance of keeping my long term goals always in the back of my mind. I learned also the power of positive self-statements and continue to actively change thought patterns that no longer serve me. I am still challenged by illness, which is always difficult, but I have a handful of great tools that I know will serve me well and continue to get me to where I want to be.
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