Jim Knickerbocker Aurora, Colorado
Career Coach, Executive Coach, Life Coach
PhD-Human & Organizational Systems, MA-Management, BA-Economics (Princeton University); Certified Integral Coach (New Ventures West-San Francisco)
Aurora, Colorado 80013
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- Hourly Rate: $210 to $280 US Dollars
- Gender: Male
About Me
I work with people who want to improve their life – whether that means a new career, new job, or other big change. You may need help figuring out your destination, or you may feel stuck and unable to get started. Or you could be on your way but just hitting some obstacles. The obstacles could be external – distractions in your personal life or perhaps a lack of support. Or the obstacles could be internal – like limiting beliefs, lack of energy, self-critical messages or skill gaps.
I know what it’s like to face obstacles. I overcame a childhood of poverty and neglect to become valedictorian of my high school and the first member of my immediate family to complete high school. I graduated with honors from Princeton, then finished two Master’s degrees and a Doctorate. I knew my identity was not defined by my circumstances. I knew the way out was to remain persistently focused on my goals.
I also know that it can be hard to make a move. It was scary to abandon comfortable jobs to pursue a more difficult career (twice!). But courage isn’t the absence of fear -- it’s taking action despite the fear, so I jumped in!
I am blessed to have enjoyed most of my jobs. I didn't watch the clock until 5 o’clock or yearn for Friday to arrive. I am pained so many people hate their jobs. I want to do something about it!
At many points in my journey I felt like an impostor, that I was attempting something that was beyond my abilities. I chose to ignore those negative voices, to focus on who I wanted to become, and to put my energies in that direction. I believe all of us get to decide for ourselves who we are and what we are to do in the world.
Would you enjoy your current job more if we addressed some nagging problems? Or do you think it's time to find a new job or career, but aren't sure how? I am here for you!
Just click the "Request Free Consultation" button below my picture to get started. I look forward to talking with you!
7 reviews (2 verified) (5.0)
VerifiedDr. Jim is kind-hearted and professional. Very knowledgable about current events and the nexus of psychology, productivity, and career growth. Recommend!
M Stenquist
VerifiedProfessional and very effective coach. Highest recommendation.
I sought coaching from Jim because I needed to re-energize myself to seek a new job that would excite me and meet my needs. Jim's approach involves reflection and learning, balanced with action and engagement. It was important for me to learn new ways to communicate with others, and how to advocate for myself in more effective ways. Now I can see the difference in my approach: I have greater confidence, increased awareness of self, and also greater inner strength. I don't look at coaching as an expense, it was an important investment in myself.
Ann Marie O'Connor, V.P. Product Management, Denver, Colorado
Before we started our coaching work, I was feeling frustrated and de-energized. With Jim’s compassionate guidance I was able to tap into my strong values and beliefs and began to believe in myself and see my full potential. Jim gave me a different perspective and some important tools, which was exactly what I needed. I moved from a place of frustration and anger to a place of peace. I learned to polish my executive presence and interview skills, working on the rough edges of which I wasn’t even aware. I always put a high value on learning, and this was a great learning experience for me. Now I have a great job at a high-quality, top-tier institution, a position better than what I might have considered if I had done this alone. Beyond that, I am more focused, patient and resilient -- mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I have re-established my professional network. I have developed a greater self-awareness. I am even a better parent and spouse!
Dr. Vernon Smith, Vice Provost for Distributed Learning, University of the Pacific
Before we started our coaching work, I felt, in a word: OVERWHELMED. I was juggling 3 jobs, a boyfriend, and a really busy social life. I had trouble finding balance and saying “NO” when I really didn't want to do something. Dr. Jim didn't give me all the answers. I had to come to a conclusion on my own. But he developed my self-awareness and gave me some good tools. Now I am able to artfully communicate what I do and do not want. I can discern the most important uses of my time at any given moment. And I am more aware of my emotional state and able to manage it. I am finally ready to develop better, more positive relationships with my family, friends and co-workers because of the work I have done on myself. I am going to take more risks that I wouldn't even think of before!”
Janine Low, Englewood, CO
I felt fear, worry and doubt before we started our coaching work. Like Dorothy, I had only to “look within” to see who I really am, because it was there all along. Jim helped me see myself as who I am. He helped my awareness of the way I talk about myself. He reminded me that I am tenacious! He gave me the confidence to do what he believed I could do until I had the recognition and belief in myself. The tools he provided me were invaluable. I now channel my energy into work that is meaningful and meets my financial needs. I confidently pursue my goals in a way that is focused and direct. Also, I can encourage others with a bold yet kind approach. I recognize in me the powerful gifts I have to share: courage, helpfulness, competence, boldness, intelligence, sensitivity, creativity, resourcefulness, kindness, laughter and, most importantly, love.
Terry S., Marketing Consultant, Lakewood, CO
I used to think I wasn't enough: Not smart enough, not wise enough, not young enough, not . . . not . . . not! Jim gave me a different perspective on my own life. He reminded me of ways in which I had been successful and competent before. Being reminded of myself through the eyes of another was astounding. It changed my conversation and relationship with myself. I am more comfortable in speaking what I know. I can see when I am mindfully engaged (and when I’m not). I am more skillful in discerning what I want to create for my life, and more competent with making good choices. Now I catch myself starting to fail and can avert that movement. This is very different. Jim changed my life. He has given me back myself, and also given me a flashlight to find additional areas of myself not yet uncovered.
Steven Alderson, Denver, CO