Jesse Busch Phoenix, Arizona
Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Career Coach
Phoenix, Arizona 85006
- Hourly Rate: $125 to $150 US Dollars
- Gender: Male
About Me
My name is Jesse, I'm a "nice guy" one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet. Despite my "niceness" I have seemed to continue to get a raw deal in life when it comes to career, love and life in general. I found a solution and it wasn't becoming a jerk or not being "nice", it was moving towards authenticity and integration; embracing my positive masculine traits, challenging my self limiting beliefs and building a great cake of a life. By embracing who I am as a man and moving away from becoming a people pleaser I have begun to get my needs and wants met. I have worked with Dr. Robert Glover (author of No More Mr. Nice Guy) personally and have become one of his certified coaches as well as a Certified Life Coach with the ICF and help men like me start to have fulfilling lives. I currently lead a thriving NMMNG Community in Phoenix and run multiple in person support groups and work with men one on one. If you are in the Phoenix area I'd love to have you join us. If you are outside the Phoenix area I'd love to meet you as well and currently have several out of area clients I work with via Zoom. If you relate to my story and struggles and are ready to start growing as a man I can't wait to hear from you.
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