Janet Parks Berkeley, California
Relationship Coach, Life Coach
BS, Certified by The Coaches Training Institute, Certified by The Center for Right Relationship (CRRGlobal), Hendricks Institute Big Leap Coach
Berkeley, California 94707
- Gender: Female
- Training: CTI Co-Active Training Institute
About Me
Are you struggling in your relationship? Do you wonder if it is healthy for you to stay? Are you afraid you'd be making a mistake if you leave? If so, you aren’t enjoying life as you might and your future is on hold. You may feel alone, self-critical and stuck.
It doesn’t have to be that way. My Relationship Clarity coaching program cracks open the stuckness and guides you to the insights needed to make a decision. People who experience my program feel a rush of relief. They discover how to shift their state and they build habits that bring peace.
My style is loving but direct. First you discover what you could not see before. Then you choose action steps that implement the changes you want.
Everyone in a difficult relationship has something to learn, even if that relationship is ending. The quality of an ending is important as well; it can set you up for ongoing misery or for peace and healing.
When I was stuck in my relationship struggle and limbo years ago, I criticized myself for being there. I thought there was something wrong with me and I was pretty sure there was something wrong with my partner. Working with a coach was pivotal in my evolution into a less critical, more confident and more playful person.
You and your partner are different people. We will cultivate an outlook that finds neither of you wrong. Leaving blame behind opens up space for your creativity. You will explore new possibilities to bridge the gap. Or, you may find that conscious completion is best for you. Either path begins with clarity on the reality and possibilities you face.
With relationship training from highly respected coaching schools and a decade of coaching experience, I offer a grounded, supportive presence. I hold space for all emotions, follow intuition, and lean into the startling wisdom of the body. Laughter and tears are often equal parts of the journey to lasting change.
Break free of relationship angst and create an environment where you thrive.
8 reviews (5.0)
Coaching has been a tremendous help as I have improved relationships with my children, become a more patient and insightful husband, and responded more effectively as an executive in the company I work for. Your warm and compassionate delivery resonates with me. You are insightful and you are good at keeping me focused on me: my responsibility, my accountability, my frame of thought rather than what the other person is doing. What was in the way before was fear. With my daughter, it was fear of confronting the issues. What’s going to be the repercussions? Through coaching, I was able to see things from her perspective… We connected and I will be forever grateful for that!
Sherman, Non-Profit Executive, Cincinnati, OH
Working with Janet gave me tools for coping and self-help that I can carry with me for years and pull out when needed. It was like a jump-start. In 14 months, I improved my ability to communicate effectively with my partner and reached a new grateful and comforting perspective on my work environment.
Jenni, Non-Profit Director, New York, NY
A lot has happened! It’s as if just shifting one thing shifted everything at the same time. It opened the flood gate; broke the log jam. You’ve helped me to see things differently; that helped me to shift and do these things. I may have done the shift but you cut down the tree so I could see. You helped me find the path.
Carol, Yoga Teacher, Connecticut
Janet is very intuitive and a great listener. She hears what is being said and not being said. And from that place she coaches in an incredibly positive and empowering way. She has helped me create healthy and high-functioning relationships with my son and ex-wife.
James, Sales Representative and Speaker, Cincinnati, OH
Working with Janet is like reading a self-help book and having the author right there with you. It has helped us grow so much in our love for one another.
Nicole, Contractor, Cincinnati, OH
When I began the coaching I was sad that my partner and I barely communicated, even on day-to-day matters. It was like we were two people living separate lives that intersected occasionally. Life was a chore, and I was bitter. I fell into feeling victimized so easily. I have shifted to a place where I am operating out of hope and reality, not fear. That has made all the difference. I see how the effort I put in changes the way I am responded to and reacted to and communicated with. Our 20-year anniversary is next month. I like going into the next decade knowing we can work through this.
Cynthia, Primary Homemaker, United Kingdom
Your personality and temperament have been just perfect for me. When I began the coaching I was worried about my relationship with my husband. His pending retirement meant that we would be spending lots of time together. I felt that I would lose my space and privacy and freedom. Over the months, I have learned to stand tall with him, to get my needs met, and to work on partnering. You’ve given me just the right kind of support, encouragement and information.
Sandy, Retired Teacher, Kentucky
Changing a relationship that just wasn’t working felt impossible to me. Janet helped by giving me a structure to explore my feelings, question my assumptions, push past my self-imposed limits, and to make my own decisions. She gently showed me options, pathways, and tools to help me make those decisions and take those steps myself... Ultimately, my decision was to leave the relationship, but not before my partner and I mended some things – enough, in fact, to remain friends. A weight has lifted, I am happier and I see more of the beauty in everyday life that I just trudged by before. I highly recommend Janet to anyone sitting on that fence, ready to make a change in their relationship, but not sure how to manifest it.
Sharon, Analyst, San Fransisco, CA
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