Irina Ulanova Seattle, Washington
Relationship Coach, Leadership Coach, Life Coach
BA, MS, Professional Certified Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Conscious Business Coach, Conversational Intelligence Coach, Family Coach, Trainer
Seattle, Washington 98103
- Hourly Rate: $250 US Dollars
- Gender: Female
About Me
My inspiration is to see people live their true standards, despite of stumbling points, uncertainty,or challenges in the way.
By turning emotional brakes, thinking, and behavioral patterns into productive movement, we create unique routines, integrate specific activities, build thriving supportive environment around the most important goals.
With laser-focused self-awareness and intentional actions, we put together a tailored system that helps you let go of self-sabotage, reignite the inner light, and sustain it long-term.
As a result, you look forward to doing what you know is right for you, get fulfilling rewards for your choices, have plenty of rest and activities, give and receive love and appreciation, create results, feel energized, accomplished, and healthy.
The coaching process is a guided journey. It is an inspiration, a challenge to your limiting beliefs, tapping into your own mind/body wisdom, encouragement to set a higher bar, and to trust that a lot more is possible than you may used to believing.
With coaching, I help clients to build a system that helps to fill day-to-day experience with liveliness and results.
My coaching style is supportive, solution-focused. There are patterns that we may bring to light - things that get in the way.
My professional coaching journey has started in 2011 when I had dived into the first fundamental coaching training. Through the process, I learned how to support clients in finding their wise inner answers instead of giving advice, how to use conscious and unconscious minds, how to tell apart values and beliefs.
By first degree, I am an engineer. My second degree is in management and marketing. I've been engaged in leadership, dancing, team building, acrobatics, extreme sports, meditation, assimilation into the new culture, traveling, and foreign language learning
I support you to be even more of a brilliant authentic self. So that you have time and energy going forward to live in empowered way
29 reviews (5.0)
Irina focused on my values, mindset, and beliefs to uncover what I needed to do next, inspire my actions, and support a beautiful outcome. Conversation flowed authentically and with a simple to understand purpose. Thank you, Irina!
Jonathan Baurer
So.. I am ready to write a review, because I have revised some positions in my life so much that it took me time to comprehend everything..). I want to sincerely thank Irina for the coaching session. In 1.5 hours of communication, thanks to Ira's competent and timely and guiding questions, I was able to look at the painful relationships with my former relatives and children in a different way and grow up. To understand that only I live my life the way I want and let those I want into my life! Again to experience the role of its boundaries in relationships with others, to give myself permission to call things by their names and remember that I have one! 1.5 hours Irina helped me to lay out on the shelves, that I put in the "long box", to separate the important from the unimportant and to highlight something without which stopped moving forward! Irochka! I want to tell you a lot, as a dear and close person, and now, I'm ready to repeat these words again: I'm hugging you, my Dear!!!
Second session Irina asked so right questions, that very skillfully analyzed, noticed and illuminated my failures in both communication gender and human. My immersion into roles that are standard for me. We checked over the "homework" and improve the results of the previous session. It's great! Cherry on the cake - she gave me a very good meditation, as a result of which I can get the state that I'm missing. Plus knowledge when and why it can be used. And, most important, this is the state of lightness, the pleasantness of communication with Irina and the aftertaste of this state, in which I'm still now. Amazing! Sincerely gratitude. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , , , . . " " . ! - , , . . , , , , . . .
I've just had a coaching session with Irina! We had such a productive time. We exchanged energy and the smile did not leave my face during the session. We discussed business issues, how to bring great ideas, that inspire me, through the thorns of critics and other obstacles to the stage, when they receive honor and glory. It seemed to me that I was already ready for implementation of my ideas, and only the fear of mistakes and criticism separated me from implementation. But Irina's guidance helped me understand how to strengthen and improve my approach in order to feel more confident when presenting and implementing my idea. Additionally, I received a lot of insights to adopt the winner's mindset, which instantly helped me to define the misleading patterns of my thinking. WIth this way of thinking it will be easier for me not to introduce my ideas and projects into life, even receiving criticism, because it allows me to see what I may not know yet due to lack of experience. And disapproval or receiving criticism is not a failure or a mistake, but a way to improve the mechanism of implementation. Correcting the idea based on feedback is the way to my victory. Thank you dear Irina for the opportunity to communicate with you!
We had a coaching session with Irina on the topic of relationships. We were engaged in the issue of transition to a new stage. While planning a meeting with Irina, I was in a depressed state and confused in the situation, I could not see it from above, even having solid knowledge in the topic of relationships and being aware of my desires. Irina helped me to look at the situation more comprehensively, showed the pros and cons in case the situation is resolved or remains as it is now. We have created a detailed, comfortable and acceptable route for me to get into a state that would be even more pleasant and satisfying for me than it is now. I received support and inspiration, as well as Irina gave me the courage to follow a comfortable and preferred path for me in a relationship, realizing how much it would help me to become happier, as well as to trust and open up even more with a partner.
Heart thank you, Irina! Received a high-quality study of my questions and tasks. During the sessions, you skillfully prevented me from falling into negative states and skillfully directed my train of thought in a positive direction to find the best solution to my assigned tasks and goals. Irina, you qualitatively helped me to realize the degree of their importance and to build the top priorities. Thank you for the bonus time, for your responsibility to bring my questions to a solution in a very warm and confidential atmosphere. High recommendations. Love.
Natalya Tyumikova
First of all, Irina have very good ability to listen carefully and ask the right questions. So that, after thinking, I could understand what was happening and make conclusions on what to do next. She helped me to see some fears and blocks, which were hidden under "I do not want", "I do not know how". During all the time of communication there was a feeling of mutual understanding, openness and trust. Thank you very much for this experience. .
Khochu otmetit' vysokuyu empatiyu Iriny, ona vnimatel'no vedot tebya na protyazhenii vsey sessii, takoye vpechatleniye chto kouch chitayet dazhe vashi mysli, naskol'ko gluboko ona pogruzhayetsya. Podnimalas' professional'naya tema, dostatochno spetsificheskaya, Irina moy zapros ponyala ochen' tochno, pokazala vozmozhnosti dlya dvizheniya vperod, a takzhe dala obratnuyu svyaz' po tomu kak yeshcho mozhno dostigat' postavlennykh tseley. Vstryakhnula, vdokhnovila vnutrenne porabotat', no bylo ochen' legko i yestestvenno otkryvat'sya. Yeshcho mne ochen' ponravilos' nelineynoye myshleniye Iriny, to kak ona umeyet razvernut' situatsiyu i nauchit' videt' yeyo s drugikh storon, podsvetit' slepyye zony. Nravitsya natselennost' na effektivnost'. Kto khochet uvidet' svoy resurs so storony sovetuyu popast' v berezhnyye ruki etoy neveroyatnoy devushki i napitat'sya yeyo mudrost'yu. S blagodarnost'yu i voskhishcheniyem, Goncharuk Kseniya.
Goncharuk Ksenia
Irina really cares - about coaching in general and about every particular person she is coaching. She helped me when I was struggling with work life balance last year. I felt very comfortable with Irina right away! Doing work with her and following some of her recommendations really helped me to get to a better place.
Galina K
Before working with Irina, I was stuck in many negative thought patterns about my capabilities and self-worth that were blocking me from stepping into my dream career. We have worked in several powerful sessions together, but I remember this one particular session that was pivotal for me. It was the moment when I realized I needed to let go of the old self that I’d been holding onto for years in order to become the woman I truly want to be—including the successful business woman I wanted to be! I experienced a shift in that session that really changed everything for me. The beliefs I had in myself catapulted to a high level of confidence and excitement for my future; my negative self talk transformed into a supportive, more loving voice; and I connected with the of the woman I am destined to become. That magical moment in our session is something I continue to reconnect with and share with others. Since our coaching sessions I have started business in my dream career and I feel like I’m on the right path for the first time in my life!
Anita, Vancouver BC
Irina has a warm & inviting presence as a coach that helped me get clear on what really mattered to me. Working with Irina was extremely helpful in developing my own client-centered business.
Jonathan, Massage therapist, California
Irina gently urges me towards forward progress but never guides me into a decision or path based on her expectation or judgments. She makes me feel safe, accepted, and fully capable of moving forward in my life on my terms. She is a wonderful coach and has helped me through a few big life altering transformations this past year. I appreciate Irina and recommend her to anyone trying to make hard life changes.
Jennifer, Los Angeles, California
You’ve really helped me a lot. I’ve worked with a lot of therapists and I’m amazed at how much more positive and effective your process is.
El. New York
I was dealing with an accident that had scarred me physically, emotionally and psychologically for over 30 years. By the end of my session with Irina I was not only freed from my burden but opened to a brand new perspective where I was present to how blessed I was to be Alive! Irina held an impeccable space of pure heart and the perfect balance of firmness and gentleness.
Shaeah, Author, Coach, Trainer.
Thank you Irina very much for the session. It was a meaningful and colorful adventure. I learned that it was easy to look at the same situation from another side. We were working with one situation from the past. It was a scary episode in my life. By facing it, I was able to look at that snapshot from a different angle. I accepted it; as a result, my fear disappeared. I even felt joy thinking about that situation in the past. P.S. working with energy was my favorite part. Thank you again
T. Washington state, U.S.A.
I became aware that I do believe in myself in quite a few instances and that it is not what I had perceived of my past. Realized that by being in the NOW I can choose to believe in myself from this moment. That the past does not really have anything to do with the NOW and I am free to be who and what I am right now. Learned I had been telling myself things from my past that were not true and that are not even relevant now. Great insight. Irina did a great job on focusing me, keeping me on track, supporting me and great connection.
J. P. , Canada.
I was having a problem with feeling disconnected with my sister on every level. Thru this process with Irina, I was struck by all the point of views that I had not even considered before. I was able to come to an equal ground, with no blame either way and then to a beautiful understanding in the circular of her that she actually got to experience this beautiful process. In my sister's answers to me, my compassion for her grew to new heights. Our shackles fell off of both of us and we are now free in a whole new way. After the session, I called her and we talked for hours with a blissful mutual respect that I hadn't experienced before. I feel truly connected and blessed! Thank you so much Irina for your gentle support and focus. I would recommend Irina for anyone who is struggling to navigate through to the other side of their problems. So illuminating!
J. B., Canada.
I started working with Irina to get over my obstacles and reluctance to start dating again. By the end of our session, I not only felt free of that limitation I put on myself, but also came to a place of such joy and happiness about my new dating possibilities (that was totally unexpected). Every time I work with Irina I am able to let go of another of my struggles in my mind, gain new insights, and move on with my future, instead of dwelling in the past. I highly recommend her as a life coach because she is intuitive and she cares.
Harry, Canada.
My coach Irina processes an amazing technique for me to discover from within my deepest deepest being who I am, and the content through the process and the result has given me all the clarifications, awareness and peace that I need to sustain a successful life. I highly recommend coach Irina.
Iliana. Vancouver, BC.
Irina guided me as I revisited and confronted a traumatic experience from 35 years ago. At the end of the process I felt a new level of freedom and lightness. Everyone says I look younger and more alive and that is how I feel. Irina did a masterful job on facilitating. Thank you Irina.
Andrew Barber-Starkey. Business Coach. North Vancouver, BC.
Irina helped me to understand my real desires and take life changing actions after just one session. By asking different questions she challenged my thought process and helped me look at my life and my desires from all the different angles. By mirroring back what I've said I was finally able to hear what I really want putting aside all the fears that had prevented me from taking actions. I was very impressed how even one session helped me discover my deepest soul desires and make such dramatic changes: I decided to go for an extended trip to see the world - the trip I've always dreamed of. I am looking forward to future sessions with Irina to see how my life unfolds and takes a new form when I put away all the fears, and start thinking that everything is possible.
Katherine. Bellevue, WA.
I have been working with Irina for a year. For me, the coach - is a personal trainer who helps in achieving my goals. Who does not take decisions for me, suggests nothing, does not criticize me, who has the advantage - to look at the situation from the outside, ask the right questions to draw my attention to some things, or shape my internal problem, the list goes on. And Irina is this Coach. During our long cooperation I've found out a lot for myself and learned a lot (or rather, "taught myself" with her help.) We've been solving very different problems: from internal problems through personal growth to time management. There were those sessions that turned my understanding of the problem itself, or changed my attitude to what is happening, or allowed to see anew the things already rubbed from thinking. As a result of our sessions I have learned to treat myself fairer, learned how to set achievable and measurable goals, there are other things, but they are personal J All of this does not happen by itself. Ira has different techniques and developed methods, which she applies in her work. I think that in such matters personality of a coach plays not the last role. Ira is an easy to communicate, positive and kind person.
Farida, Russia
Working with Irina was for me interesting and exciting. There were unexpected discoveries - in myself and as well in my attitude to coaching. Before the first session, I did not have an accurate representation of coaching. I knew that it is kind of "self-medication" by an external person, but never tried it. When we started working with Irina, I even did not have a clear purpose, I had only a sense of a need for change and action. After three sessions things became much more clear in my head - what do I want, how to achieve this. There is more peace and understanding regarding my future path. Although, of course, it all has come through my work on myself, and as a result of my openness and trust to Irina. In fact, as a coach, she did not give me any answers and advice. She just asked me questions, sometimes unexpected, but extremely useful. Because of this I got an understanding of what specifically I should change in my life and what action to take for it. Therefore I'd like to say a sincere and warm "Thank You Irina" and to wish her every success! Irina is a responsible specialist in coaching, who continually improves the level. Anyone who has decided to change their lives and is ready to act - I recommend to work with Irina.
Alexander Salnikov, CEO, internet services agency. Russia, Moscow region.
Before partnership with Irina I had no idea what is Life Coaching. Gradually, working with Irina I realized how effective this technique. Thanks to Irina lots in my life have changed. Now I effortlessly do phisical exercises and I wish to do them. I should say I had never done exercises with enjoyment, but now I found a way to do it not forcing myself. And exercises bring me joy. Each time, starting a session I expect a miracle that will solve my problems and miracle happens every time. I'm well aware that no miracles happen and that the result is based on my credibility to Irina and her professional support. Irina magically completely eliminates her ego from the process of getting solutions, and becomes my inner wisdom voice. Result from semiannual sessions is that I learned to understand how to execute goals which seem unrealistic. I made renovation in my apartment, partly sorted out goals in my life and what I want to do. At the last session, which lasted only 18 minutes, my brain made incredible and picked the theme, that I really did not want to say and kept postponing it. It now appears that the achievement of this goal - it is one of the dreams which seemed impossible to reach. Overall, I started to look for shorter ways to achieve my goals, that was always not so typical for me, and that certainly gladdens me. In conclusion, obviously worth adding: Thanks to Irina and to Life Coaching!
Sincerely, Alexei Smirnov. Operations Engineer restaurant chain "Tanuki-Ruff". Russian Federation, Moscow.
Irina became my Life Coach four months ago. We meet weekly and work on upcoming organizational and emotional issues. She is very professional and cares a great deal about her clients. Irina helped me single out issues that prevent me from enjoying my life to the fullest. This relates to both professional and personal life. After defining areas of improvement, we came up with a plan that we are focusing on. Today, I feel a lot more organized, my business is growing and I feel happy. I would recommend Irina to any business professional or individual who wants to make positive changes.
Anna, Founder of Alice Wonder Marketing. Kirkland, WA
Irina is a positive, optimistic and committed person. She is fairly happy and satisfied with everything, that's why her life is so interesting and rich. The fact Irina is cheerful and energetic cannot but attracts and fascinates anyone who meets her. I know Irina as a very good and kind friend as well as a responsible and diligent worker. Irina is wise, delicate and always able to put anyone in good spirits, so she will be a very good coach for a person in need of an incentive. She will help you to come to a decision, indeed
Mila, Linguist
"Coaching for me is an opportunity to utter to an outside independent observer my problem and try to find my own solution, using my internal resources and guiding questions from the coach. This work is a process of self-knowledge. It is a practice of setting goals and a multi-stage, winding path to harmony with myself. Before I met Irina, I had no idea about what is coaching. I think, largely due to her ability to conduct confidential talk, I like this practice. My coach does not judge me, does not criticize. It helps me to open up and inspires. I amounted a list of personal rules of life, became collected, learned to allocate time to evaluate my life situation and draw up a plan to improve it. I have made numerous discoveries about myself and I want to move on."
Helen, Professional Journalist, Moscow
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