Guy Letts Certified Life Coach Innisfil, Ontario
Life Coach, Business Coach, Family Coach
Innisfil, Ontario L9S 2L3
- Gender: Male
About Me
My coaching philosophy is holistic and utilizes a variety of approaches including NLP, reflexivity and existentialism. But being an active, empathetic and intuitive listener is by far the best practice I have come across.
I'll work with you to identify your passions, interests and objectives, develop any necessary skill sets, and implement your goals. We will work together to uncover any beliefs, values or habits that inhibit or hinder your desired outcome and help you to initialize new practices that are congruent with your stated objectives. I will continually motivate you, help alter your strategies, and keep you accountable to your self.
As a teacher, speaker and writer I have been inspiring and motivating people for over 15 years. However, I started formally coaching in 2009 and received my Certified Coaching Practitioner designation from the Certified Coaching Federation, and abide by their code of ethics.
Besides life coaching, I specialize in three general areas of coaching: 1) internal-relations--health and wellness, self image, and spiritual coaching, 2) inter-relations--parent, family, and relationship coaching, and 3) external-relations--business, entrepreneur, and career coaching. Because life is not bound to discrete categories, many formal coaching areas end up overlapping with one another.
As part of my coaching practice I also deal with specific areas such as self-esteem and self image reconstruction, positive and critical thinking, stress and anger management, organization and time management, work-life balance, and goal setting.
As part of my practice I also give a variety of talks and workshops to students, teachers, parent groups, churches, organizations and businesses, the majority of which are designed to motivate and empower individuals, both young and old, to embrace positive change.
5 reviews (5.0)
Guy encouraged me to become active and responsible for my life.... I view Guy as a mentor.
[Guy] does not force his ideas upon you, but instead he wants you to create your own ideas and conclusions.
I just wanted you to know that I’m very impressed by you. I have only met a handful of people who genuinely care about others the way you do. You are a very compassionate and caring individual. The world is a better place for having you in it.
Guy inspired me, through his passion and contagious enthusiasm, to embark on a new career path. Thanks to such patience and kindness, Guy has helped me grow as a person, and for that I will always be incredibly grateful.
Guy Letts is a passionate and compelling individual who has had a major impact on who I am.... His guidance has helped me... and I am very grateful to him. I hope others will have the opportunity to be inspired by him.
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