Debi Stickeler MA CPC San Francisco, California
Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Spirituality Coach
BA, MA, Paralegal
San Francisco, California 94121
- Hourly Rate: $125 to $150 US Dollars
- Gender: Female
- Training: Certified Professional Coach Program
About Me
I have been a participant in the self-awareness and healing profession for over thirty-five years. My interest in serving others began at a very young age and has continued throughout my life. Along with many years of self discovery I earned a Master's Degree in Creation Spirituality, an ICF approved Professional Life Coaching Certification and a Paralegal Certification.
I truly believe that the most powerful guidance system available to you is already within you. By simply listening to your own natural wisdom, taking full responsibility for your choices, and turning every obstacle into an asset, you can bring about your most effective and lasting changes. As you work through the nagging limited beliefs that no longer serve you and begin to imagine and feel the power that you have within, you are able to experience positive changes quite quickly.
My life has been filled with many challenging moments but each one ultimately turned into an inspiring gift and this is why I love to share all that I have learned. Along this path I have been honored to have participated in workshops with Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Esther Hicks-Abraham, Louise Hay, David Icke, Shirley MacLaine, Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Byron Katie, Kevin Ryerson, Barbara Hand Clow, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Joanna Macy, Jennifer Berezan and Patricia Ellsberg.
So with my personal experiences and the wealth of information I have been privileged to be exposed to, I have created an extremely solution oriented successful practice. Regardless of how challenging life’s circumstances may feel,we have the innate ability to create solutions for them. To be enlightened by life's events, rather than to be a victim of them, is unquestionably a more powerful and enjoyable ride.
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