Carl Contino Buffalo, New York
Life Coach, Performance Coach, Entrepreneurship Coach
Personal growth teacher, speaker, musician, inventer, engineer
Buffalo, New York 14209
- Gender: Male
About Me
Do you have a young adult (18-26) who’s currently leading a disengaged life? And have you tried helping but find them closed off to hearing your advice? It's almost a given that teens will resist anything the parent offers.
That's where I come in.
Whether they lack motivation or direction, are unsure of their future, or just aren't fully engaged with their life ...
When given the right kind of support, tools, and inspiration and are allowed to fully explore who they are and what they love - that's when the magic happens.
Untapped Genius for Young Minds is a 1-to-1, live online coaching and learning program designed to get your young person clear, focused, and excited and will provide them everything they could possibly need on their journey of creating their future.
Don't know what their passion is? We'll find it. Know what it is and want to take it further? We'll do just that. And then some - with goal-oriented, tangible results.
The live, one-on-one, interactive coaching sessions will stimulate creativity, critical thinking, and productive play to help fuel their passion, realize their dreams and set them up for life.
Imagine your young one focused, engaged, productive, happy - no matter what challenges they face!
I've been coaching for over 20 years and stand ready to make a difference in your young one's life! When I coach, I bring "the all of me" to the table, including my intense passion for life (in spite of rather incredible challenges), my diverse background in personal growth, music, engineering, online business development, along with my love of inventing gadgets, painting and drawing, and getting out into nature, skiing, and kite surfing.
No matter what their interest or situation, I will be there to inspire and offer practical approaches to working through their challenges and creating a future they love!
Check out my site for details and then give me a call, and we'll talk about your young one and what you'd love to see happen for them.
17 reviews (5.0)
LIVING YOUR PASSION TALK - Sara and I chatted about all of the speakers today at the International Day of Happiness, and you were the best. Own that, your mission, your passion and your message was really well done and well structured and the delivery was like you had done it a thousand times. I am looking forward to getting to know you and supporting you and your message. Thank you for your gift and feeling the power of you and your message!
Carmil Surritt - Business, Holacracy and Life Coach
LIFE & BUSINESS COACHING - I just had a fantastic coaching session with Carl Contino. I've been stuck on the next step in the visual journaling + coaching business I'm creating. With his help, we worked on a challenge that will help me bust through the block I've been facing for way too long now. I'm super excited and getting right to work so I can introduce it to the world.
Linda Hough - Artist, Coach
FLOW & MINDSET COACHING - Thank you so very much for your time, passion, energy and genius. My connections and synapses are firing again and moving forward again with a clear mind and direction. Your ability to create flow and symmetry in a variety of situations, allowing for incredible timely and much needed reframes within a two hour conversation, speaks to your skills and talents as an exceptional and very valuable Life Coach and Person. Thank you again!
Renee Lanoway - Retired RN Nurse
LIFE & BUSINESS COACHING - Talk about amazing! A fabulous mixture of conversation, coaching, visioning, challenge, training, sharing ..... truly inspirational. There was so much for me to take away from our 1.5 hr session - apart from some actual actions with timelines, the most inspiring concept I am taking away is this question: "How am I being a conduit for ...." So much wisdom. And such generosity of heart and spirit. Wonderful. Thanks Carl (and Sophia the Black Lab!)
Trudy Arthurs - Executive Transformational Coaching
LIFE AS A WAVE BOOK - I have just read your amazing ebook, Life as a Wave. I respect your very open and honest style during the webcast, as well as in your ebook, which I plan on reading again and again to fully integrate the knowledge into my perspective and ultimately, to use this knowledge. PS. And from here in Denmark, a loving and friendly greeting to your lovely pooch, Sophia!
Raymond Cassius Sananda
PEAK PERFORMANCE COACHING - I've been working with Carl for just about a month and already see a tremendous value in his service. It's truly performance coaching at it's best. So much to learn and, most importantly, apply to my life to experience transformation. I highly recommend taking Carl on as your coach, especially to anyone who wants to discover the best of himself, remove the fear and resistance, and get your life to the next level. Thanks Carl, looking forward for our next session.
Pavel Kovalev - Web Developer
HEALTH & BUSINESS COACHING - I just got off a two hour coaching conversation with Carl Contino, The Groove Coach. To say we had a blast would be an understatement! Besides the amazing energy, flow, and talking that went on between us, I have to say that Carl was masterful at reminding me of my Awesomeness! When we kicked around the issues of food and weight, he totally got the arena I had just stepped my toe into recently. His one rule is NO RULES and it spoke right to that part of me that rebels when I try to impose rules. One of the last things I said to Carl, and maybe I even said it twice was, "You've got the goods, man!" If you want a coach who will meet you where you are, explore lots of possibilities for shifting energy and thoughts, Carl can get you to where you want to be!
Janice Masters - Therapist & Coach
LIFE & BUSINESS COACHING - Last night I was lucky enough to have a two hour coaching conversation with Carl Contino. It was the end of a long day and I was tired, but Carl managed to energize me within moments of meeting. Within our conversation Carl gently prompted me to acknowledge just how much I already offer to the world. I was also reminded to take a step back from trying and trust in the flow. Carl also helped me to envision how I want my business, and my life, to move forward over the next year - now, rather than feeling muddled, I have clarity, and feel inspired and excited. It was awesome to meet such a wonderful soul and learn more about Carl's work and philosophy of Life as a Wave.
Marléne Rose Shaw - Therapist, Coach
FLOW & MINDSET WEBINAR - Hi Carl, I just saw the recording of your presentation yesterday. I was so impressed with your ideas that I invited my partner to see it also ... so I watched it again with her. Excellent thoughts and your presentation was just great! I have signed up for your news letter and looking forward to more with and from you.
Robert Johnson
LIFE AS A WAVE WEBINAR - I just watched your Life as a Wave webcast, Carl. It was really great! Watch the mind like a movie, say yes to whatever is going on, add some fun, don't allow the mind to feed the drama, don't take it so seriously - all help to create a more positive energy that leads to new resources and helps you tackle whatever you're facing. I think that I really got that at the deepest level. Thanks a lot Carl for that!
Fabienne Descamps - Coach
LIFE & BUSINESS COACHING - I had the pleasure of receiving one of Carl's 2 hour coaching sessions yesterday and it was fantastic!! I enjoyed his insight, his honesty and his determination to include play as an integral part of his coaching strategy. I am so glad that he has decided to share his talents not only with adults but with the younger folks who so desperately need to know that they are not alone! Thanks for the inspiration Carl !! So nice to talk with a man of such integrity and openness!!
Jennifer Taylor - Accountant
LIFE & BUSINESS COACHING - I don't usually do this - but I signed up and today was our call. With no expectations I called in, we enjoyed a wonderful time getting to know each other. He's terrific! By the end of our time together he gave me a fast, easy technique to shift thoughts that don't serve me. I intend to put it to work immediately to quell a big fear I've had for awhile - so I can focus on living life with renewed passion and fun. Carl, thanks for your valuable time and for tapping into a little of my untapped genius.
Denise M. Michaels - International Book Writing Guild
LIFE & BUSINESS COACHING - I just got off the phone from a 2-hour conversation with Carl Contino - WOW! The dynamic? Easy and smooth with many moments of laughter. The richness and experience Carl offers? Twenty years plus! The insights that I'm integrating now? A WHOLE BOAT-LOAD! My big AH-HA moment was realizing that I was not FEELING the value of my work. I could intellectualize the value and yet not feel it in the depths of my bones. By the end of the call, he led an exercise that allowed me to FEEL my value. Now, I'm more excited than ever to create. To create from a place of value.
David Sullivan - Hypnotherapist & Coach
TEEN & YOUNG ADULT COACHING - The moment you meet Carl, the passion and enthusiasm for his work is undeniable. Carl’s coaching methods include practical, interactive and fun approaches to handling real life challenges. He has been a mentor, a coach, a supporter and a friend to our son who continues to grow and develop in his social interactions and personal connections. We’ve seen a better attitude, improved self-confidence and a heightened social ambition. My husband, myself and especially my son, highly recommend Carl, with his unique style and distinctive positive outlook.
Marge Kazz - Management Consultant & Mom
HEALTH & PERFORMANCE COACHING - Carl, you need to know what a huge impact you had on my life when we were roommates in music school, I lost 70 lbs (!) in 12 weeks because of what you showed me. And you taught me how to live my life ... you told me things that I'll never forget. And Jimmy ... remember him barging in and doing push-ups in front of the tv? How he put down the booze, lost weight, and got those huge shoulders?! I often speak of those days you helped us both out, coming up with a nutrition plan, working out together, coaching us on life and how to live it to the max. You did all that...you, my friend. You need to tell your story, guy. The world needs to hear what you have to say, so don't be so damn modest about it!
Joakim Ekberg - Musician
PERSONAL GROWTH COACHING - I personally could write a dissertation about the ways I enjoyed your presentation ... nothing but inspirational. In fact it was just right for me considering what I needed that day. I could go on and on really, and I will at some point. For now I will say this: I think you have a knack for articulating ideas. And you have great ideas...ideas people need to hear. You are a shining star
Cyd Cox - Professional Coach
LIFE & CREATIVITY COACHING - Carl has created one of the most original and invigorating frameworks for enjoying creative freedom in even the simplest and most mundane parts of everyday life. It's a simple and achievable way to engage in courageous living. If it's true that everything that we do is motivated by either our hopes or our fears, then Carl's created a way to act on our hopes without being distracted by our fears. In my career as a filmmaker, there are countless risks that I have to take. I turn to Carl's methods on a daily basis to help me make those choices with courage and conviction. He's helped to give me a creative freedom that I might not otherwise have claimed as my artistic right.
Kern Konwiser - Emmy-Winning Film Director & Producer
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