Art Drentlau Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Life Coach, Spirituality Coach, Leadership Coach
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221
- Hourly Rate: $50 to $75 US Dollars
About Me
Thank you for taking the time to review my Bio and the information provided by Noomii about me. I hope that you will gain some insights that will help you in your life just from what you will find here. There is an old saying: “the Student exceeds the Teacher!” if you decide to work with me I hope you can get what it took me over 30 years to get in a much shorter time so that you can start Thriving in your Life. The Article entitled: Universal Law Coaching & Mentoring will explain what it is and how it works. The other Articles will give more insight into what you can expect by working with me.
The first 20 years of my life was spent with very low self-esteem, it was not until I got into the Navy that I started to feel good about myself. I ran a simulated POW Camp for Navy personal that had a chance of being captured in Vietnam. I learned how to be an Interrogator and an Indoctrinator and I was very good at it. I was amazed at how easy it was to Brainwash people even in a simulated situation. In a sense and in general the Human Race has Brainwashed itself and as a result we have become Masters of Self-Limitation Self-Sabotage and Self-Degradation when compared to how we were designed.
After 4 years in the Navy I had times where things went well and down times, then in 1986 I heard Wayne Dyer and what he was saying made a lot of sense and this is what started my study of how the mind works. My most powerful Teaching Story is about an Inmate in Nazi Death Camp that Thrive and how it was done it is the most powerful story I have ever heard and I want to make into a movie.
You are far more than you have come to believe and you were Created to Thrive here on Earth. We are on the leading edge of Societal Evolution and a Spiritual Speed Up is taking place that will Greatly Enhance and Advance World Consciousness you can experience this if you choose to. You can go from Stuck or Surviving to Thriving! The choice is yours!
Art was my first client when I was still in training to be a Law of Attraction Life Coach. Over the past year, we have worked very closely together. He has helped me as much with his Universal Law Coaching and Mentoring program (which he was developing at the time) as I helped him. We have developed a great friendship.
Pete Kamenik
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