Anthony Brenner Asheville, North Carolina
Life Coach, Spirituality Coach, Performance Coach
Certified Integrative Wellness and Life Coach through the Integrative Wellness Academy . Certified Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher
Asheville, North Carolina 28803
- Hourly Rate: $100 to $120 US Dollars
- Gender: Male
About Me
I am a 52 yr old male, married for 24 yrs with two young female daughters (21 & 18) , we have lived in Asheville, NC for 13 yrs.
I was led to life coaching thru a 6 yr healing journey. We have all had varying levels of trauma in our lives. I have dealt with some very intense pain, suffering and trauma in my short life. In my healing journey I gained the wisdom that for any of us to begin to heal from any trauma, we must be vulnerable and be willing to say it, say it out loud, release the energy, with the intent to heal and ultimately clear it from our bodies. We must speak of it, to people other than a loved one. In that vain I am going to lean in that direction and say it to all of you reading this. By hearing my pain, you may feel compelled to speak your truth and begin, if you haven't begun to walk on your path of healing.I was ridiculed and demeaned as a child due to severe ADHD which resulted in virtually 40+ yrs of my life always hearing the voice in my head "you are stupid". As a young adult I lost my grandfather to suicide.He was like a father to me.When my first daughter was 6 months she had a 15 min seizure,lost all motor movement, hearing and vision which was regained in 1.5 yrs but had Seizures every day for 10+ yrs, 3 out of 7 nights she did not sleep for 14+ yrs, severe tantrums with self injurious behaviors ongoing until age 15 when we were presented with the opportunity to move her into a group home, which we did.The single most heart wrenching decision of our lives but was the greatest gift to her and our family. When my girls were 4 and 1 I suffered a TBI and had 3 vertebrae fused in my neck due to an injury from my previous career as an athlete.I had SO much pain and suffering that until I began healing,I hadn't realized how those events color everything I did and how I showed up in my life. Following 3-10 day Vipassana Retreats, multiple plant medicine ceremonies and a lot of inner exploration...I am liberated and am fully fulfilled in my body
Working with Anthony for almost the past two years has been the most notable growth Ive experienced in creating and taking action towards my dreams and goals. Anthony understands the human condition, by understanding we are spiritual beings in a material world, he can apply the kind of grace and grounding a person needs in a coach. Anthony has helped me reduce the chaos in my life to get focused on the visions for my life that are meaningful to me. Ive been able to identify goals and realize and achieve them with Anthonys consistent and safe support and partnership. His support in reaching for my dreams has been the turning point to fruition. Before him, I have felt alone and unsupported in my desires. Hes not only my biggest cheerleader, but my goals and dreams are manifesting with his guidance and partnership. My dreams wouldnt have been as fully developed and fruitful without his consistent commitment and compassion to stand by me through my individual unfoldment and process. He pushes just hard enough, while respecting individual process. Hes coached me on my internal world while Ive been on my journey in the external world. When I have hiccups, or lose my way hes there as a touch stone to ask the kinds of questions where hes giving me the grace to observe and come to my own conclusions. If I ask his opinion on something concrete he gives it, otherwise he is wise enough to hold his opinion so that I can come to it on my own in a powerful way where I actually learn from it. Hes not a do this, this and this coach. He pivots, he works with me and who I really am, instead of cramming me into a systematized formula. He makes me feel good about myself without it being gratuitous fluff. He allows me to make the adjustments he can see that I dont and doesnt tell me, but has the patience to let me come to it on my own. Anthony takes the time to reflect on my inner workings, my moods, my temperament and has created a safe space where we meet and work together on the things that need to be navigated more successfully. He is kind, compassionate and pushes just the right amount. I like the hard work hes done on himself that he brings to the partnership. His role modeling how he's balanced and cultivated his inner masculine and feminine energy serves many purposes. One of which is I feel heard/seen and called to action equally. I feel partnered with a kind spirit who truly wants the best for me. I feel safe, guided and that there are reasonable great expectations of me. He role models what it means to be a partner with common goals being worked towards which has helped me in my personal relationships so I may hold space for others like he does for me. I am better at being a human because of Anthony.
Toni O.
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