Amorah Ross Woodinville, Washington
Life Coach, Business Coach, Entrepreneurship Coach
Certified Professional Coach, former SPHR, Certified Mentor Coach, Experienced Coach Trainer
Woodinville, Washington 98072
- Hourly Rate: $250 US Dollars
- Gender: Female
About Me
Have you ever...
...awakened in the middle of the night, tearing your hair about a relationship or situation in which you felt ineffective and wondered how to get through it with your sanity [and your hair] intact?
...felt sick and tired of being in a relationship in which you don’t feel respected or treated as an equal partner?
...been in a professional situation where you felt like you were drowning and that the only way out was for your colleague or boss to evaporate?
If these thoughts or others have been on your mind, you've probably wished someone would just throw you a life preserver. I’ve been that ‘life preserver’ for hundreds of people over the past 15 years. With me as your partner, you don’t have to continue experiencing these situations - not ever again!
It could be as simple as realizing that you’re just bored and want to create more excitement in your life. Whatever the circumstance, you are sure about one thing: nothing will ever be the same.
Awareness is the key to sustainable changes as you gain greater clarity about who you are at your core and what your life’s purpose is. My transformative coaching promotes awareness through expanding your self-knowledge and deepening your inner connection to your core values.
Coach-Specific Training and Certifications:
‣ Member & Credentialed Coach, International Coach Federation (ICF), 1997-Present
‣ Certified Living Your Vision® Licensed Facilitator, LYV Enterprises Inc., 1998
‣ Certified Professional Coach (CPC), Academy for Coach Training, 1999
‣ Coach Credentialing Assessor, International Coach Federation, 2005-present
"There is no passion to found playing small -- in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." Nelson Mandela
Are you finally ready to free yourself of old behaviors and attitudes that no longer work for you? If your time to live with passion is now, we’ll make an unbeatable team - let’s get started!
10 reviews (5.0)
I think of you often and the tools that I learned to utilize from your coaching has continued to move me forward as new opportunities present themselves. My quick move up the corporate ladder while I was at Safeway was a direct result of your guidance and coaching tools. Having the ability to become clear about my desires has helped the right opportunities to show up and become available to me.
Michele D., Washington State
I demystified the strict view of the ICF competencies and learned in a good way the new mindset to conduct a mature coaching session. I could confirm and correct some vices and also introduced other competence into my coaching skill. Sharing with the group and with Amorah, our effective mentor, helped me to confirm and be more confident with my skills.
Maria Angelica Carneiro PCC, Executive Coach, Sao Paolo Brazil, Instituto Ecosocial
You will not find another coach, anywhere, that understands the ICF credentialing process better than Amorah. She is not only in a mastery relationship with the process, she is a master coach extraordinaire! Amorah's class is worth every penny…sign up now!
Donna Zajonc PCC, Director of Coaching and Practitioner Services for “The Power of TED*”
I just wanted to share with you how much this class has affected me. I am being challenged in a way that I have not (ever) been challenged before! I am learning a lot about myself and truly did not expect this at all. Thank you for teaching me how to be a better coach and challenging me to learn. I do appreciate it. This is good for me.
Sherry B, New Jersey
Amoráh – You don’t just “model” the competencies and ethics, you truly do live them in all you say and do. And you do it with such compassion and understanding for those of us at our varying levels in the process – masterful. You held a bright, BIG, colorful umbrella over our space of the class and kept out all the unnecessary elements while allowing us to explore in the safety and solidarity of the experience. Your greatest hope has been fulfilled with me; I have definitely ‘taken my coaching to the next level’.
Virginia J, California
Our conversation has continued to resonate with me this week, and I wanted you to know how powerful it's been. Your perspective on how central curiosity is to the coaching relationship has allowed me to relax into my curiosity and, no surprise; the clients readily generate their own brilliance, actions, and results…and our conversation enabled me to shift back into a mutually trusting relationship with my clients in which they are free to discover what's true for them. Very fun. As much as you are enabling your clients to change the world, I so appreciate that you are also sharing with coaches so you (and we) realize an even greater impact. I can't thank you enough!
Ann D, Virginia
...I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Amoráh Ross for her amazing leadership in the mentor program that I recently completed. This is another example of the growth of our profession that we now have the need for a course to mentor coaches, not only for the ICF credential but to be the best that they can be.
Garry Schleiffer, Editor choice Magazine
Amoráh has been my trusted advocate, champion, and coach for the past 18 months. In that time, she has supported nothing less than a complete transformation of my life, my relationships, and my balance. She has co-created profoundly sacred space with me where I know I am safe to explore my deepest shadows, celebrate my goofiest wins, mourn my losses, and figure out what is most important to me. She masterfully guides me to my deepest truths and internal wisdom. She then gracefully, and powerfully, holds me accountable to what I have said I want.
Rachel D, Washington State
Perhaps what most impresses me about Amoráh is that she is such an attentive listener. She hears not only what I am saying, but intuitively grasps the subtext – those issues that lie beneath my conscious awareness. She then gently guides me to those deeper levels of awareness, encouraging me to look at them in an objective manner. She proficiently communicates with me on terms that I best relate, then offers constructive suggestions of ‘possibilities’ acceptable to my character and personality. She empowers me to move forward in a context that aligns with my core values. No less important are her skill sets applicable to addressing issues relevant to the business sector. I find her ability to both navigate the emotional landscape and the professional landscape exceedingly effective, as her melding of these two strongly assists me toward empowerment that crosses multiple areas of my life. Lastly, it has been my observation that Amoráh is passionate about coaching, always improving her skills so that she grows as a coach; making ever-more effective impacts for her clients.
Todd M, California
I look back over my relationship with Amorah as my coach and I am amazed at the personal and professional growth I have experienced. I have moved, bought my own home, found a great job, and have made new friends. I am grateful for Amoráh. I feel my coaching relationship with Amoráh has given me the kick-start to grow and be the best person that I can be!
Amy M, Florida
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