Purpose Linked Consulting
At Purpose Linked Consulting, we believe that passions, and the deeper inner purpose from which they emanate, play a pivotal role in how leaders manage talent, the way teams work and communicate effectively, and how each member of an organization engages with the challenges of the business to achieve outstanding results. Talent management in today’s highly commoditized world, demands that leaders leverage not only the skills of their team, but also understand and harness the passions of each individual in order to build and maintain a competitive edge. If this sounds like “soft stuff” rather than an important business reality, consider these sobering facts:
Research from Gallup and others shows that nearly 70% of the US workforce is disengaged, which means that it’s likely that you are not getting a full return on your current investment in your people. Results for other countries are equally disturbing.
Employees who are actively disengaged at work are responsible for $450-550 billion in lost productivity annually in the US alone. Disengagement affects your business and its culture, as well as the national and global economy.
Over 80% of the workers Purpose Linked Consulting surveyed say they are looking for meaning and purpose through their work. And, when they are able to bring their passions to their job it is highly motivating, which increases their engagement and commitment, and contributes to improved business results.
Most organizations focus on skills and experience when developing top talent or creating teams, but overlook the important X Factor that determines longterm success. In a word, that factor is “Passion.”
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- 1679 N. Poes Rd.
- Alaina Love
- 540-631-0215
- alove@thepurposelink.com