Mtw Romania
In a business world where results matter more than efforts, MTW Romania defines its main objectives in terms of efficiency:
· delivery of long-term effects in improving the skills of the participants, in accordance with the skills development plan
· generating a positive motivation in the attitude of the participants
· designing programs closely related to business objectives
We are 100% oriented towards the benefits of our partners, companies with whom we have been working for several years, or with whom we are starting to build a relationship. We are very interested in training participants developing and feeling good during the sessions, people we see for the first time or with whom we have already become friends.
This type of approach and work attitude generated, in the 10 years of activity in Romania, both repetitive projects and warm recommendations, some downright impressive, from beneficiary managers or trainees who discovered models new, they activated their resources and potential, which felt carefully treated during a personalized, efficient, demanding learning process.
We thank you for the interest you show us and promise to be a valuable support to "connect to the future", to fulfill your most ambitious goals.
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- Bucharest, 050854, RO