Martha Beck Inc.
Martha Beck Inc. (MBI) is the team supporting the vision and creative goals of Martha Beck, Ph.D. Martha is a Harvard-trained sociologist, veteran life coach, New York Times bestselling author, and creative visionary behind our products and programs.
Coaching is a growing industry as society changes and economies shift. In times of innovation or turbulence, people need the skills we teach in our Wayfinder Life Coach Training program. We believe your ability to help people meet challenges with creativity and wisdom is the most marketable service you could offer.
You’ll learn the art of Wayfinding, shaped for today’s world. You’ll learn how to reclaim your true nature, and help others do the same. You’ll master an innovative combination of ancient, time-tested tools and modern, scientific ones.
As a Wayfinder, you may not fit comfortably into social norms. You’re not meant to. Your best bet for living happily and prosperously is to operate from your true nature. You’re here to excel by becoming the most authentic version of yourself, then offering your inherent wisdom to others.
Our vision at MBI is to help individuals build the best life experience possible for themselves, others, and the planet.
Integrity, compassion, inclusion, belonging, and the preservation of our planet are MBI’s primary values in all that we do.
We consistently update our methodologies in response to emerging research in psychology, neuroscience, and even quantum mechanics.
In training coaches, MBI has two objectives:
1. to help trainees create meaningful and joyful lives for themselves
2. to teach them the skills to help others and generate change on a larger scale
We believe that the best way to truly understand the tools of life coaching is to practice on yourself, and that’s why our WLCT program helps participants change their own lives while learning how to help change the lives of others.
You’ll learn how to live as a Wayfinder and work as a coach. In addition, our training program will introduce you to a lifelong community of like-minded idealists, determined to create a better world one life at a time.
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- Martha Beck Inc P.O. Box 594 New Hope, PA 18938
- Jennifer Voss
- WLCT@MarthaBeck.com