Life Trust Coaching
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary companions. For people who are willing to face the essential questions of life courageously and honestly.
Life Trust Coaches know that they can only accompany others as far as they have gone themselves. They teach by example. Therefore, during this training you will learn to successfully transform your own processes and later be able to coach in an experience-oriented way.
We understand human beings as living systems whose development proceeds in a spiral. For us, coaching is the art of helping people and systems to understand their position on the development spiral, to think bigger about who they are, what they can do and what they have to give to the world. We show them the treasure that lies in problems and are there so that they can really develop their potential.
We don't just tickle the surface. Our special claim is depth, integrity and mastery.
This makes the training suitable for the start of your career in self-employment, as further training for coaches, therapeutic and helping professions, artists, managers, parents, as an additional qualification for academic areas or detached from professional intentions, for your own personal potential development.
Veit Lindau, one of the leading experts for the integral self-realization of the human being, passes on the concentrate of 30 years of coaching and training to you in this training.
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- support@homodea.com