International Society Of Neuro Semantics And Meta Coach Foundation
Meta-Coaching and Meta-Coach™ training are accredited under the auspices of the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS). The ISNS was co-founded by Dr L.Michael Hall and Dr Bob Bodenhammer to nourish and support Neuro – Semantics and its applications. There are more than 25 registered ISNS Institutes throughout the world.
The International Meta-Coaching Community consists of like-skilled, like-minded colleagues including Coaches, Trainers (at all levels), business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators. Share, learn from, and contribute to coach-referral websites and e-groups. Enjoy ongoing access to cutting-edge developments as they evolve. This international life force and its resources are a source of inspiration and support of your growth into Meta-Coaching excellence.
Meta-Coaching graduates (at PCMC and MCMC level) who would like to expand their career horizons and income, can go on to become certified NLP and Neuro-Semantics Trainers. They will pass rigorous testing, understudy Master Coaches, and eventually become licensed to conduct Neuro-Semantics, Gateway Trainings and Meta-Coaching around the world.
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