Inner Life Skills ® Coaching International
INNERLIFESKILLS® or ILS for short, specialise in training people to be master communicator coaches. Coaches that can help others to find their INNER WEALTH, transform their INNER OBSTACLES and build their INNER WELLS for life!
We do what we love, and love what we do! And we teach others to do the same.
We believe that life's too short to NOT love your career. NOT to master your skills and make even a small difference in the world. To leave something positive of yourself behind. To learn how to change lives, ONE-CONVERSATION-AT-A-TIME...
That's what we teach people to do, and we've become really good at it.
We produce high calibre master communicators, who coach informally (in their roles as leaders and change agents) and many who coach professionally (as professional Life and Business Coaches).
Visit Website
- Suite 700, Pvt Bag X153
- Mrs. Colleen-Joy Page.
- 270.716.899113
- colleen@colleen-joy.com