Guiding Mindful Change
Awareness – The Heart of Mindful Coaching:
Mindful coaching begins with awareness. We train our coaches to become more aware of the harmony within all relationships. Mindful coaches quickly increase their level of awareness about themselves, so their coaching reveals wholeness, balance, and right action.
Mindful coaches do not impose their ideas and agendas on their clients. Instead, they apply the guiding mindful change coaching techniques – based on our foundational beliefs – to allow their clients the freedom to discover the right pathway to their hearts’ desires.
Guiding Mindful Change Foundational Beliefs:
People are naturally whole and resourceful
Balance is essential for fulfillment
Clients are their own authority for change
Change is promoted by mindful guidance, support, encouragement, and partnership
Coaching from the Inside Out:
At Guiding Mindful Change (GMC) we understand the importance of making a bigger difference in the lives of your clients. We believe to get the most meaning out of your coaching practice, you need to start with yourself. That’s why we’ve structured our program with a unique twist.
We focus on real-time practice and mentoring:
The Guiding Mindful Change Certification process includes practice coaching to become an in-demand coach, plus personal coaching with a master trainer to become the best version of YOU.
We’ve found there’s no better way to position you as a confident, client-attracting coach in as little as 90 days.
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- 619-297-7542