Coaching4 Clergy
Coaching4Clergy offers four modules of 128 ICF –ACTP hours that can lead to the ACC, PCC, and MCC credentials if desired. In addition to leading their congregations with new excellence and effectiveness, many graduates choose to develop their own coaching practices.
Dr. J. Val Hastings, MCC, is the Founder and President of Coaching4Clergy, which provides specialized training for pastors, church leaders and coaches. Val hired his first coach while he was pastoring at a local United Methodist church. His progress was noticeable by all, and he began to wonder, “What if I adopted a coaching approach to ministry? What if the larger church adopted a coaching approach to ministry?” In that moment a vision began to emerge—a global vision of Every Pastor, Ministry Staff and Church Leader a Coach.
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- 325 W. Morlatton Road
- J. Val Hastings.
- 484.945.2767
- val@coaching4clergy.com