Day 9: Talk to someone new

I did this! 64

Posted on December 9, 2024

Artwork and words by Luca, Evan and Mia from Mr. Duteil's & Mr. Gazel’s grade 6 classes at École Glenmore Elementary.


Today's act of kindness…

Talking to new students is an easy act of kindness. It means that when someone new comes they are alone and have no one to hang out with. Talking to a new person is how a new friendship is made.

Talking to them is important because imagine that you were alone. You would hope that someone would talk to you,that would make you happy and you would have friends. And you might find them as a good friend to

All it takes is just to go up to someone and just say hi and introduce yourself to someone new it will make there day.It’s not that hard to make someone's day just a couple nice words will be a good start ,that’s why you should talk to a new student it will help them thru the entire year if they have friends. 


L'acte de gentillesse d'aujourd'hui…

Parler a les nouveau élève sais un facile gentillesse au hasard.Sa vedir que quand quelque person nouveau vient le person peut-être tout seul et pas de person de jouer avec.Parler avec un nouveau person said come un nouveau amitié est fait. 

Parle à lui c'est important imageing que tu est pa de person de jouer avec tu ve que un person parle a toi sa va fer toi erre et to a petetre des amis et to avit un nouveau bon ami    

Tous ce qu’il faut c’est s’approcher un personne et dit “Bonjour” et présenter toi-même at le personne sa peut ameliorer leur journee.Sais pas difficile de ameliorer la journee de quelqu’un,quel’que mot est un bon dé va aide avec le beaucoup de le ane si il na les ami.