Day 22: Cleaning your room without being asked
I did this! 38Posted on December 22, 2024
Artwork and words by Bree, Haven and Asia from Mr. Duteil's & Mr. Gazel’s grade 6 classes at École Glenmore Elementary.
Today's act of kindness…
Cleaning up your room, without being asked, is an act of kindness and a simple task all people can do. This is important because it is a good habit to get into. Its good to keep your room clean. When you clean your room, it will make your parents happy. Even when you make your bed in the morning it still helps. For example, if you are just sitting around doing nothing and your room is messy you can take your time and clean it and i am sure your parents will be happy.
L'acte de gentillesse d'aujourd'hui…
Nettoyer ta chambre et pas etre demander est un acte de gentillesse est un tâche simple tout le monde peux fais.Sa c’est important es c’est un bonne habitude a fait.c'est bonne a avoir un propre encore quand tu fais ton lit sa encore aide.par exemple quand tu est juste assis autour ton maison tu peux nettoyer ton chambre est sa aussi fait ton parents contant.