Day 16: Leave a kind letter in a library book
I did this! 12Posted on December 16, 2024
Artwork and words by Ellesea, Arwen and Rose from Mr. Duteil's & Mr. Gazel’s grade 6 classes at École Glenmore Elementary.
Today’s random act of kindness is to leave a kind message in a library book. Leaving a kind message in a library book is important because it could help someone having a bad day feel much better and maybe make their day. For example, taking a quick stop at the library and maybe leaving a kind note in a library book could make someone feel very good about themselves and brighten their day a little bit. How would you feel if you got a note in a library book?
Aujourd'hui notre acte de gentillesse est de laisser un petit message dans un livre de bibliothèque. C’est important parce que ça peut aider quelqu’un qui a peut - être un mauvais journée sent encore mieux. Comme exemple, arrête à la bibliothèque et laisse un petit message de gentillesse dans un livre de bibliothèque. Comment est-ce-que tu te sentais si tu recevais un petit message de gentillesse dans un livre de bibliothèque?