Day 11: Say Thank you to a service member
I did this! 58Posted on December 11, 2024
Artwork and words by Sydney, Stella and Parker from Mr. Duteil's & Mr. Gazel’s grade 6 classes at École Glenmore Elementary.
Today's act of kindness…
Saying thank you to a service member is a great act of kindness, It makes them feel appreciated and brightens their day. Say thank you to a service because they work hard and help our community and keep our people safe. just one thank you could make their day. When you say thank you to a service member they should appreciate it and it doesn't matter if it's a bus driver or a janitor, you should appreciate their work .
L'acte de gentillesse d'aujourd'hui…
Si tu dire merci à un service member c'est un bien Acte de gentillesse ils peux etre reconnaissant et peux segaylerleur jour.Quand tu dire merci à un service membre ils devoir être reconnaissant et il ce n'est pas important si c'est une chauffeur de bus ou un géniteur.