Day 13: Shovel Someone's Driveway

I did this! 17

Posted on December 13, 2021

Video and words by Dailan & Jenika from Mr. Duteil's grade 6 class at École Glenmore Elementary.

Today's act of kindness is shoveling someone's driveway/sidewalk. Nobody loves shoveling their driveway/sidewalk, especially the elderly. So, take the time to be kind to the people around you and ask your neighbor if they want help shoveling their driveway/sidewalk.

Also, if there at work it would be nice to come home to a freshly shoveled driveway. If you don't have snow, go sweep your neighbors driveway/sidewalk. You could also rake someone's lawn if there are leaves in their yard.

Check out this great video to show this Act of Kindness: