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Does something feel misaligned with your work? Or, are you navigating a divorce and feel unsure how to regain fullness of life? Perhaps, you want more from your retirement, but aren't sure how to gain that fulfillment.  

Are you feeling a bit off off or adrift? Are you feeling unclear or as if something may be missing?  Would you love to wake up a little more excited to face the day? 

If you find yourself wanting more or you are craving something different in your life, job/career, or retirement but feel lost in how to get there, I’d love to work with you because I have been there.  

Perhaps you are finding yourself in transition and trying to become clear on who you are or what you want to become.  I have recently navigated the turbulent waters of divorce and would love to help others find their way through these difficult times.  I also recently was diagnosed with breast cancer and made my way through treatments.  I share in case I can help someone else find their way through. 

I am a Life and Career Coach, helping you navigate key life changes.  I am certified from an ICF accredited school with an MBA and 25 years of business experience. 


I’d love to help you gain more clarity and find your way through the fog in 3 months using our signature "Lighthouse System"

Contact me for a FREE consultation.



Receive this FREE journal set in your first session!

I believe in the power of a morning routine, complete with gratitude, intention-setting and  meditation to start the day ready to face with clarity and purpose.  


“Some of the questions were not easy to answer. But now seeing how everything flows, it all fits together. I initially thought this was going to be about her giving suggestions on how to reach my goals. She helped me dig deep and answer the 'how' to reach my goals. It was me acknowledging what I needed to do to move forward.”

MOLLY, Working Mother, Midwest

“Nicole’s Coaching Process exceeded expectation. My goal for one session was not in an area I expected her to have expertise in. Yet her process, her listening, her questions brought me clarity. In another session, she widened my perspective and opened up possibilities that are now coming to fruition.”

BOBBY, Dad, Professional, 37

Contact Me

Connect with me for a FREE consultation or for more information on life and career coaching options.

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